Subdivision 1.
School performance report cards. (a) The commissioner shall use objective
criteria based on levels of student performance to identify four to six designations applicable to
high and low performing public schools. The objective criteria shall include at least student
academic performance, school safety, and staff characteristics, with a value-added growth
component added by the 2006-2007 school year.
(b) The commissioner shall develop, annually update, and post on the department Web site
school performance report cards. A school's designation must be clearly stated on each school
performance report card.
(c) The commissioner must make available the first school designations and school
performance report cards by November 2003, and during the beginning of each school year
(d) A school or district may appeal in writing a designation under this section to the
commissioner within 30 days of receiving the designation. The commissioner's decision to uphold
or deny an appeal is final.
(e) School performance report cards are nonpublic data under section
13.02, subdivision
, until not later than ten days after the appeal procedure described in paragraph (d) concludes.
The department shall annually post school performance report cards to its public Web site
no later than September 1.
Subd. 2.
Adequate yearly progress data. All data the department receives, collects, or
creates for purposes of determining adequate yearly progress designations under Public Law
107-110, section 1116, are nonpublic data under section
13.02, subdivision 9, until not later than
ten days after the appeal procedure described in subdivision 1, paragraph (d), concludes. Districts
must provide parents sufficiently detailed summary data to permit parents to appeal under Public
Law 107-110, section 1116(b)(2). The department shall annually post adequate yearly progress
data to its public Web site no later than September 1.
History: 2003 c 129 art 1 s 9; 2004 c 294 art 2 s 5