Subdivision 1.
Certification of assets not needed for immediate use. Each executive
director administering a retirement fund or plan enumerated in subdivision 4 shall, from time to
time, certify to the state board for investment those portions of the assets of the retirement fund or
plan which in the judgment of the executive director are not required for immediate use. Assets
of the fund or plan required for participation in the Minnesota postretirement adjustment fund,
the combined investment fund, or the supplemental investment fund shall be transferred to those
funds as provided by sections
11A.01 to
Subd. 2.
Investment. Retirement fund assets certified to the state board pursuant to
subdivision 1 shall be invested by the state board subject to the provisions of section
Retirement fund assets transferred to the Minnesota postretirement investment fund, the combined
investment fund or the supplemental investment fund shall be invested by the state board as
part of those funds.
Subd. 3.
Withdrawal of assets. When an executive director administering a retirement
fund or plan enumerated in subdivision 4, certifies to the state board that invested assets of the
fund or plan are required for immediate use, the state board shall sell securities to equal the
amount of assets certified as required and shall order the transfer of the assets to the appropriate
executive director.
Subd. 4.
Covered retirement funds and plans. The provisions of this section shall apply
to the following retirement funds and plans:
(1) Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities supplemental
retirement plan established under chapter 354C;
(2) state employees retirement fund established pursuant to chapter 352;
(3) correctional employees retirement plan established pursuant to chapter 352;
(4) State Patrol retirement fund established pursuant to chapter 352B;
(5) unclassified employees retirement plan established pursuant to chapter 352D;
(6) public employees retirement fund established pursuant to chapter 353;
(7) public employees police and fire fund established pursuant to chapter 353;
(8) teachers' retirement fund established pursuant to chapter 354;
(9) judges' retirement fund established pursuant to chapter 490; and
(10) any other funds required by law to be invested by the board.
History: 1980 c 607 art 14 s 21; 1981 c 37 s 2; 1981 c 208 s 10; 1981 c 224 s 15; 1992 c
464 art 1 s 2; art 2 s 1; 1993 c 13 art 1 s 8; 1995 c 141 art 4 s 1; 1995 c 212 art 4 s 64