119B.11 County contribution.
Subdivision 1. County contributions required. (a) In addition to payments from basic sliding fee child care program participants, each county shall contribute from county tax or other sources a fixed local match equal to its calendar year 1996 required county contribution reduced by the administrative funding loss that would have occurred in state fiscal year 1996 under section 119B.15. The commissioner shall recover funds from the county as necessary to bring county expenditures into compliance with this subdivision. The commissioner may accept county contributions, including contributions above the fixed local match, in order to make state payments.
(b) The commissioner may accept payments from counties to:
(1) fulfill the county contribution as required under subdivision 1;
(2) pay for services authorized under this chapter beyond those paid for with federal or state funds or with the required county contributions; or
(3) pay for child care services in addition to those authorized under this chapter, as authorized under other federal, state, or local statutes or regulations.
(c) The county payments must be deposited in an account in the special revenue fund. Money in this account is appropriated to the commissioner for child care assistance under this chapter and other applicable statutes and regulations and is in addition to other state and federal appropriations.
Subd. 2. Repealed, 1997 c 162 art 1 s 19
Subd. 2a. Recovery of overpayments. An amount of child care assistance paid to a recipient in excess of the payment due is recoverable by the county agency. If the family remains eligible for child care assistance, the overpayment must be recovered through recoupment as identified in Minnesota Rules, part 3400.0140, subpart 19. If the family no longer remains eligible for child care assistance, the county may choose to initiate efforts to recover overpayments from the family for overpayment less than $50. If the overpayment is greater than or equal to $50, the county shall seek voluntary repayment of the overpayment from the family. If the county is unable to recoup the overpayment through voluntary repayment, the county shall initiate civil court proceedings to recover the overpayment unless the county's costs to recover the overpayment will exceed the amount of the overpayment. A family with an outstanding debt under this subdivision is not eligible for child care assistance until: (1) the debt is paid in full; or (2) satisfactory arrangements are made with the county to retire the debt consistent with the requirements of this chapter and Minnesota Rules, chapter 3400, and the family is in compliance with the arrangements.
Subd. 3. Federal money; state recovery. The commissioner shall recover from counties any state or federal money that was spent for persons found to be ineligible, except if the recovery is made by a county agency using any method other than recoupment, the county may keep 25 percent of the recovery. If a federal audit exception is taken based on a percentage of federal earnings, all counties shall pay a share proportional to their respective federal earnings during the period in question.
Subd. 4. Maintenance of funding effort. To receive money through this program, each county shall certify, in its annual plan to the commissioner, that the county has not reduced allocations from other federal and state sources, which, in the absence of the child care fund, would have been available for child care assistance. However, the county must continue contributions, as necessary, to maintain on the basic sliding fee program, families who are receiving assistance on July 1, 1995, until the family loses eligibility for the program or until a family voluntarily withdraws from the program. This subdivision does not affect the local match required for this program under other sections of the law.
HIST: 1Sp1985 c 14 art 9 s 72; 1987 c 403 art 3 s 70; 1989 c 282 art 2 s 150; 1995 c 139 s 1; 1995 c 207 art 4 s 33-35; 1997 c 162 art 4 s 34-36; 1999 c 205 art 1 s 32; 1Sp2001 c 3 art 1 s 5
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes