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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subdivision 1.Establishment.

The consumer litigation account is established in the special revenue fund in the state treasury.

Subd. 2.Disbursements from account.

The attorney general may authorize disbursements from the consumer litigation account for the following purposes related to multistate consumer litigation:

(1) payment of the costs of litigation, investigation, administration, or settlement of any matter related to the duties and authorities provided by this chapter, federal law, or common law as it pertains to consumer litigation;

(2) cost-share payments subject to agreements entered into with other states, governmental entities, law enforcement agencies, or federal agencies in furtherance of litigation, investigation, administration, or settlement of any matter that pertains to consumer litigation;

(3) retention of expert witnesses, professional or technical services, consultants, specialists, mediators, or necessary services related to litigation, investigation, administration, or settlement of any matter that pertains to consumer litigation; and

(4) document review, issue coding, electronic data hosting, or discovery-related costs, including reasonable costs for services incurred by a state agency if related to litigation or an investigation pertaining to consumer litigation in which the state is a party and the attorney general determines it is beneficial to the state to authorize such payments.

Subd. 3.Reporting.

The attorney general shall report annually by October 15 to the chairs and ranking minority members of the committees in the senate and the house of representatives with jurisdiction over state government finance on activities funded through money disbursed from the consumer litigation account during the prior fiscal year. The report must include an accounting of the starting balance and ending balance of the consumer litigation account for the relevant reporting period and a summary description of all disbursements from the account, along with the purpose of any disbursements.

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes