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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subdivision 1.Definitions.

(a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given them.

(b) "Existing housing" means single-family housing that (i) has been previously occupied prior to the first day of the origination period; or (ii) has been available for occupancy for at least 12 months but has not been previously occupied.

(c) "New housing" means single-family housing that has not been previously occupied.

(d) "Origination period" means the period that loans financed with the proceeds of qualified mortgage revenue bonds are available for the purchase of single-family housing. The origination period begins when financing actually becomes available to the borrowers for loans.

(e) "Redevelopment area" means a compact and contiguous area within which the city finds by resolution that 70 percent of the parcels are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, or other improvements and more than 25 percent of the buildings, not including outbuildings, are structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance.

(f) "Single-family housing" means dwelling units eligible to be financed from the proceeds of qualified mortgage revenue bonds under federal law.

(g) "Structurally substandard" means containing defects in structural elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, light, ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of interior partitions, or similar factors, which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance.

Subd. 2.Limitation; origination period.

(a) During the first ten months of an origination period, the agency may make loans financed with proceeds of mortgage bonds for the purchase of existing housing. Loans financed with the proceeds of mortgage bonds for new housing in the metropolitan area may be made during the first ten months of an origination period only if the new housing is serviced by the regional wastewater treatment system or by a wastewater treatment system operated and maintained by a local unit of government.

(b) Upon expiration of the first ten-month period, the agency may make loans financed with the proceeds of mortgage bonds for the purchase of new and existing housing.

Subd. 3.

MS 1998 [Repealed, 1999 c 211 s 17]

Subd. 4.Limitation; commitments and loans to builders and developers.

The agency may not make available, provide set-asides, or commit to make available proceeds of mortgage bonds for the exclusive use of builders or developers for loans to eligible purchasers for new housing except for new housing described in subdivision 2. This prohibition is in effect for the total origination period.

Subd. 5.Reporting requirement.

The agency shall report to the chairs of the appropriate housing-related standing committees or divisions of the state senate and house of representatives by January 1 of each year detailing new housing activity financed with the proceeds of mortgage bonds, including a description of affordable housing initiatives, the number of loans, the average purchase price, average borrower income, and steps taken to encourage loan activity as required in subdivision 3.

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes