After November 26, 2014, new adoption assistance agreements must not be executed under this section. Agreements that were signed on or before November 26, 2014, and were not in effect because the adoption finalization of the child did not occur on or before November 26, 2014, must be renegotiated according to the terms of Northstar Care for Children under sections 142A.60 to 142A.612. Agreements signed and in effect on or before November 26, 2014, must continue according to the terms of this section and applicable rules for the duration of the agreement, unless the commissioner and the adoptive parents choose to renegotiate the agreements under Northstar Care for Children consistent with section 142A.612, subdivision 7. After November 26, 2014, this section and associated rules must be referred to as the pre-Northstar Care for Children adoption assistance program and shall apply to children whose adoption assistance agreements were in effect on or before November 26, 2014, and whose adoptive parents have not renegotiated their agreements according to the terms of Northstar Care for Children.
NOTE: A transfer of a power or responsibility in this chapter to the Department of Children, Youth, and Families is effective upon notice of the commissioner of children, youth, and families to the commissioners of administration, management and budget, and other relevant departments along with the secretary of the senate, the chief clerk of the house of representatives, and the chairs and ranking minority members of the relevant legislative committees and divisions. Laws 2024, chapter 80, article 8, section 72, Laws 2023, chapter 70, article 12, section 30.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes