(a) The facility capacity of each day service facility must be determined by the amount of primary space available, the scheduling of activities at other service sites, and the space requirements of all persons receiving services at the facility, not just the licensed services. The facility capacity must specify the maximum number of persons that may receive services on site at any one time.
(b) When a facility is located in a multifunctional organization, the facility may share common space with the multifunctional organization if the required available primary space for use by persons receiving day services is maintained while the facility is operating. The license holder must comply at all times with all applicable fire and safety codes under section 245A.04, subdivision 2a, and adequate supervision requirements under section 245D.31 for all persons receiving day services.
(c) A day services facility must have a minimum of 40 square feet of primary space available for each person receiving services who is present at the site at any one time. Primary space does not include:
(1) common areas, such as hallways, stairways, closets, utility areas, bathrooms, and kitchens;
(2) floor areas beneath stationary equipment; or
(3) any space occupied by persons associated with the multifunctional organization while persons receiving day services are using common space.
Each person must be provided space in a closet, cabinet, on a shelf, or a coat hook for storage of personal items for the person's own use while receiving services at the facility, unless doing so would interfere with safety precautions, another person's work space, or violate a building or fire code.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes