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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subdivision 1.Contracts.

Contracts for the period commencing July 1 of the year in which the state assumes the cost of court administration in the judicial district for the judicial district court employees must be negotiated with the state court administrator. Negotiations for those contracts may begin any time after July 1 of the year before the state assumes the cost, and may be initiated by either party notifying the other of the desire to begin the negotiating process. Negotiations are subject to this chapter.

Subd. 2.Date of first employment.

The date of first employment by the state court system is the date on which services were first performed by the employee for the employer from which the employee is being transferred.

Subd. 3.Probationary periods.

Except as otherwise provided in a successor contract, probationary periods are not affected by the transfer of employees to the state court system.

Subd. 4.Wage protection.

Court employees in judicial districts coming under section 480.181, subdivision 1, paragraph (b), may not have a decrease in wages as a result of their transfer to state employment. Wage scales negotiated in a judicial district contract are not to be applied to a court employee of a judicial district who was a court employee of a county within the judicial district at the time the judicial district came under section 480.181, subdivision 1, paragraph (b), until the wage for the employee under the scale is equal to or greater than the wage the employee was receiving on the date the judicial district came under section 480.181, subdivision 1, paragraph (b).

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes