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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

160.11 MS 1953 [Repealed, 1957 c 943 s 72]


Subdivision 1.Acquisition of lands.

When the commissioner of transportation, any county board, town board, or governing body of any city, each hereinafter referred to as road authority, shall deem it necessary for the purpose of building or repairing public roads or streets within its jurisdiction, it may procure by lease, purchase, gift, or condemnation in the manner provided by law any lands within the state containing any materials suitable for road or street purposes, together with the right-of-way to the same of sufficient width to allow trucks or other vehicles to pass, and on the most practicable route to the nearest public road or street.

Subd. 2.Sale by road authorities, authority.

Any such road authority may engage in the processing of crushed rock or other road- or street-building material for use on public roads or streets within its jurisdiction; and any such road authority may by agreement sell to any other road authority any rock, crushed rock, processed sand or gravel, unprocessed or pit-run sand or gravel, or other earth material suitable for road or street purposes, upon terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties, except that the commissioner of transportation shall not sell processed gravel, processed sand, or crushed rock.

Subd. 3.

MS 1969 [Repealed, 1971 c 290 s 3]

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes