No department, agency, political subdivision or instrumentality of the state is authorized to participate in a program of interchange of employees with departments, agencies, or instrumentalities of the federal government, the state, or another state, as a sending or receiving agency except in accordance with sections 15.51 to 15.57.
The period of individual assignment or detail under an interchange program shall not exceed 24 months, nor shall any person be assigned or detailed for more than 24 months during any 36-month period, except when the assignment or detail is made to coincide with an unclassified appointment under section 15.06. However, the head of an agency may extend the period of assignment for not more than two additional years. A school district, a county, or a public health entity may make an assignment for a period not to exceed five years if the assignment is made pursuant to section 142D.15, subdivision 8. Details relating to any matter covered in sections 15.51 to 15.57 may be the subject of an agreement between the sending and receiving agencies. Elected officials shall not be assigned from a sending agency nor detailed to a receiving agency.
A state department or agency must report to the Department of Management and Budget an interchange with a political subdivision in which it is participating either as a sending or receiving agency. The report must include identification of the political subdivision, the length of the individual assignment, and the duties of the individual assignment.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes