260B.173 Report on juvenile delinquency petitions.
The state court administrator shall annually prepare and present to the chairs and ranking minority members of the house judiciary committee and the senate crime prevention committee aggregate data by judicial district on juvenile delinquency petitions. The report must include, but need not be limited to, information on the act for which a delinquency petition is filed, the age of the juvenile, the county where the petition was filed, the outcome of the petition, such as dismissal, continuance for dismissal, continuance without adjudication, and the disposition of the petition such as diversion, detention, probation, restitution, or fine. The report must be prepared on a calendar year basis and be submitted annually beginning July 1, 1999.
HIST: 1999 c 139 art 2 s 22
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes