62I.10 Disposition of application.
Subdivision 1. Action upon application. Upon receipt of an application, the committee or persons the committee appoints or designates will immediately review the application to determine what assistance the committee can give. The assistance may include: (1) discussion with the applicant's most recent underwriter, if any, to determine if the applicant's coverage can be maintained with the most recent carrier; (2) discussion with other known available insurance markets to determine if any other carrier will accept the applicant; (3) negotiating extensions of coverage with the most recent carrier or a temporary carrier, if possible, to permit additional exploration of insurance markets or accumulation of essential underwriting data; and (4) referring the application to the first five participating insurers (participants) on the relevant list provided in subdivision 2. Subsequent applications will be sent to the next five participants on a rotating basis. If at any time there are less than ten participants on the master list then the master list will no longer be utilized.
Subd. 2. List of participating insurers. A list of participants shall be prepared and updated at least every two years in the following manner: (1) the committee will secure a mailing list from the department of commerce of every licensed insurer admitted to do business as well as every eligible licensed surplus lines licensee; (2) the committee will mail to each admitted insurer and eligible surplus lines licensee an outline of the conditions of participation; (3) a master list of participants willing to take part in the market assistance program will be created from the responses to the initial mailing. The master list will be updated at least every two years pursuant to clauses (1) and (2). Order on the master list will be determined by random selection.
Subd. 3. Referral to participants. Upon receipt of an application, the committee or the persons the committee appoints or designates may mail or telex copies of the application to the first five participants on the master list.
Subd. 4. Quotes. Participants must quote on at least one out of every three applications submitted. Each participant will have the right to individually evaluate the risk the applicant poses and develop a price commensurate with that risk.
Subd. 5. Referral. If no quote is received from the first five participants on the list, the next five participants on the list shall receive the application and the same procedure shall be followed until a quote is obtained or the list is exhausted. All participants may, if the committee feels it appropriate, be given the application at once.
Subd. 6. Response from participant. Participants may provide a quote on the same coverage basis they normally provide for similar coverage for that type of insurance in Minnesota. Participants will return their quotations or refusals to quote to the committee within ten days. The applicant or the applicant's agent, if any, will be notified of the quotations. The agent will then complete the placement of the insurance, if the applicant accepts coverage from the participant at the price quoted, without need for an agency appointment from that participant. The insurer is not required to pay the agent any commission, but the agent may negotiate a fee with the applicant prior to initial submission of the application.
Subd. 7. Limitation on reapplication. An applicant provided a quotation in accordance with the above procedure will not be eligible to seek additional quotations from the market assistance plan or to obtain coverage from the association if the quotation received would not be deemed to be a notice of refusal for purposes of determining eligibility for participation in the association.
Subd. 8. Review by the committee. If the procedures in subdivisions 1 to 7 do not produce a quote, the application may be submitted to the committee. The committee after reviewing the application shall proceed as follows: (1) attempt to place the applicant with a single carrier; or (2) attempt to arrange coverage on a quota share basis with a number of carriers.
Subd. 9. Disqualification after coverage granted. If an application is filed with the market assistance program less than 30 business days before the expiration date of the applicant's current insurance coverage the market assistance program may continue to seek coverage for the applicant after coverage is extended by the association. The market assistance program will have 30 business days from the date of filing of the application with the market assistance program to obtain an offer of coverage for the applicant. If the market assistance program is able to secure an offer of coverage for the applicant within 30 business days of filing of the application and if the offer of coverage would not otherwise be considered a refusal for purposes of the association, the applicant will be deemed to not be qualified to participate in the association and coverage, if any, shall be terminated. If the applicant accepts the coverage obtained by the market assistance plan, coverage from the association will terminate when the new coverage begins.
Subd. 10. Notification of failure to place. If the market assistance program does not produce a quote, it shall notify the submitting agent or the applicant at least 24 hours before the time the applicant's current insurance coverage terminates. A copy of the notification must be submitted to the commissioner and the association at the same time notice is made to the agent or applicant. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the market assistance program may continue to act pursuant to subdivision 9. Notice that the market assistance program is continuing to act pursuant to subdivision 9 shall be included in the notice required by this subdivision.
HIST: 1986 c 455 s 29
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes