A brief of amicus curiae may be filed with leave of the court. A request for leave to file an amicus brief must be filed with the court and served upon all parties prior to the time fixed for filing of the initial appellant or cross appellant briefs. A request for leave must identify whether the applicant's interest is public or private in nature and must state the reasons why an amicus brief would be beneficial to the court in resolving the issues.
An amicus brief must be filed within the time limits applicable to the party or parties whose position the amicus brief is intended to support, and must conform with part 9800.0900, unless the court directs otherwise.
An amicus curiae may not participate in oral argument except with leave of the court.
MS s 175A.07
19 SR 1131
May 13, 1997
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes