When an oral examination forms a part of a total examination for a class of positions, the supervisor shall select one or more oral examination boards as needed. An oral examination board shall consist of two or more members who shall be known to be interested in the improvement of public administration and in the selection of efficient government personnel and at least one of whom shall be technically familiar with the character of work in the position for which the applicant will be examined. Any person holding political office or any officer or committee member of any political organization, or any person actively engaged in the work of any political organization, shall not serve as a member of a board. If practicable, all applicants qualifying for the oral examination for the class of positions shall be rated by the same oral examination board. A member of an oral examination board shall disclose each instance in which the member knows the applicant personally and, in those instances, the supervisor shall determine whether the oral examination board member shall rate that applicant.
MS s 256.012
17 SR 1279
October 15, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes