Before admitting a participant, the center shall conduct an intake screening to determine how or whether the center can serve the individual, based on the center's licensure, the center's policies and services, and the individual's needs and condition. If possible, the screening shall include an interview with the participant and with the participant's caregiver. The center shall notify the individual of the outcome no more than five working days after the screening process begins.
Immediately after admission, the center shall conduct a needs assessment and develop a preliminary service plan for the participant, in accordance with items A and B. The needs assessment and preliminary service plan must be completed within 30 days and placed in the participant's record.
The center shall assess the participant's needs for center services based on observation of the participant and information obtained from other sources, including any assessment performed within the prescribed time by a preadmission screening team under Minnesota Statutes, section 256B.0911. The needs assessment shall address:
the participant's psychosocial status (for example, awareness level, personal care needs, need for privacy or socialization);
the participant's functional status (for example, endurance and capability for ambulation, transfer, and managing activities of daily living); and
the participant's physical status, to be determined by observation, from the intake screening interview, and from the medical report received from the participant's physician.
The center shall develop a preliminary service plan based on the assessment in item A and coordinated with other plans of services for the participant. The preliminary service plan must include the following information and specifications:
Within 90 days of the participant's admission to the center, a written plan of care must be developed by the center staff together with the participant, the participant's caregiver, and other agencies and individual service providers. The plan of care must be dated and must include:
an update of the preliminary service plan required in subpart 2 and additional services required by the participant;
short and long-term objectives for the participant stated in concrete, measurable, and time specific outcomes;
MS s 245A.09
11 SR 2165; 18 SR 2748
October 8, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes