A center shall maintain the personnel files in items A and B.
A personnel file for each employee that includes:
documentation that the employee has completed and signed the form required in part 9555.9620, subpart 3;
an employment application or resume indicating that the employee meets the requirements in part 9555.9680, subpart 2;
documentation that the employee has completed the orientation to the center required in part 9555.9690, subpart 3;
A personnel file for each consultant whose services the center purchases either by contracting directly with the individual or by contracting for the person's services with another organization. The file shall include:
a copy of a signed contract or letter of appointment specifying conditions and terms of employment; and
documentation that the person under contract meets any licensure, registration, or certification requirements required to perform the services specified in the contract.
MS s 245A.09
11 SR 2165
October 8, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes