A center shall have available for review and shall distribute to participants and their caregivers upon admission written information about the points in items A to N:
a description of individual conditions which the center is not prepared to accept, such as a communicable disease requiring isolation, a history of violence to self or others, unmanageable incontinence or uncontrollable wandering;
the participants' rights developed in accordance with part 9555.9670 and additionally:
a procedure for presenting grievances, including the name, address, and telephone number of the licensing division of the department, to which a participant or participant's caregiver may submit an oral or written complaint;
a statement of the center's compliance with Minnesota Statutes, section 626.557, and rules adopted under that section;
a statement that center admission and employment practices and policies comply with Minnesota Statutes, chapter 363, the Minnesota Human Rights Act;
the terms and conditions of the center's licensure by the department, including a description of the population the center is licensed to serve under part 9555.9730; and
the telephone number of the department's licensing division.
The information in items A to N must be provided in writing to the commissioner upon request and must be available for inspection by the commissioner at the center.
MS s 245A.09
11 SR 2165
October 8, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes