The operator shall ensure that a resident and a resident's legal representative are given, at admission:
the name, address, and telephone number of the local agency to which a resident or a resident's legal representative may submit an oral or written complaint.
A resident has the right to daily, private access to and use of a non-coin operated telephone for local calls and long distance calls made collect or paid for by the resident.
A resident has the right to receive and send uncensored, unopened mail.
A resident has the right to personal privacy and privacy for visits from others, and the respect of individuality and cultural identity. Privacy must be respected by operators, caregivers, household members, and volunteers by knocking on the door of a resident's bedroom and seeking consent before entering, except in an emergency, and during toileting, bathing, and other activities of personal hygiene, except as needed for resident safety or assistance as noted in the resident's individual record.
A resident has the right to keep and use personal clothing and possessions as space permits, unless to do so would infringe on the health, safety, or rights of other residents or household members.
A resident has the right to meet with or refuse to meet with visitors and participate in activities of commercial, religious, political, and community groups without interference if the activities do not infringe on the rights of other residents or household members.
Married residents have the right to privacy for visits by their spouses, and, if both spouses are residents of the adult foster home, they have the right to share a bedroom and bed.
MS s 245A.09
12 SR 148
October 8, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes