The residence must meet the definition of a dwelling unit in a residential occupancy and be free of any plumbing, electrical, ventilation, mechanical or structural hazard that would threaten the health or safety of a resident.
Each residence shall have a dining area furnished for group eating that is simultaneously accessible to residents and household members.
Residents must mutually consent, in writing, to share a bedroom with another resident. No more than two residents may share one bedroom.
Resident bedrooms must meet the following criteria:
A single occupancy bedroom must have at least 80 square feet of floor space with a 7-1/2 foot ceiling. A double occupancy room must have at least 120 square feet of floor space with a 7-1/2 foot ceiling.
Bedrooms must be separated from halls, corridors, and other habitable rooms by floor to ceiling walls containing no openings except doorways and must not serve as a corridor to another room used in daily living.
A resident's personal possessions and items for the resident's own use are the only items permitted to be stored in a resident's bedroom.
When possible, a resident shall be allowed to have items of furniture that he or she personally owns in the bedroom, unless doing so would interfere with safety precautions, violate a building or fire code, or another resident's use of the bedroom.
MS s 245A.09
12 SR 148
October 8, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes