The operator shall cooperate with the service agency in carrying out the provisions of the individual service plan for each resident who has one and in developing the individual resident placement agreement.
Caregivers shall immediately report any suspected maltreatment of a resident as required by Minnesota Statutes, sections 626.557 and 626.5572, the Vulnerable Adults Act.
The operator shall ensure that the local agency is told:
within five calendar days of any change in the regular membership of the household or caregiver's employment status;
within 24 hours after the occurrence of a fire that causes damage to the residence or requires the services of a fire department or the onset of any changes or repairs to the residence that require a building permit;
immediately after the occurrence of any serious injury or death of a resident. "Serious injury" means an injury that requires treatment by a physician;
within 24 hours of a change in health status of a caregiver that could affect the ability of the caregiver to care for a resident;
immediately upon diagnosis by a physician or health authority of a reportable communicable disease, as specified in parts 4605.7000 to 4605.7800, of any resident, caregiver, or household member;
at least 30 days before the involuntary discharge of a resident who does not have an individual service plan; and
within seven days after the transfer or voluntary discharge of a resident who does not have an individual service plan.
The operator shall ensure that the service agency is told:
within five days if a resident shows a need for additional community health or social services; and
at least 30 days before the involuntary discharge of a resident. When a resident wants to voluntarily leave the adult foster home, the operator must notify the service agency within three days. In this instance, the resident's legal representative, if any, shall also be notified by the service agency.
12 SR 148; 30 SR 585
October 15, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes