Senior companions shall be compensated for no more than 20 hours a week, in accordance with the schedule of the persons being served, as approved in the grant application. Exceptions to the service schedule authorized by the grant award may be made by the sponsor for unusual situations but only with the concurrence of the Board on Aging in the form of a project amendment. Twenty hours a week may not be exceeded.
Personnel policies for the senior companion's insurance, vacation, sick leave, holiday, etc., shall be consistent with those of the sponsor and be developed in consultation with the project advisory council.
Time required for transportation between the senior companion's home and the volunteer station shall not be considered a part of the service schedule. When persons are served in their own homes, transportation time between two or more such assignments is considered part of the service schedule.
MS s 256.977
October 8, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes