The total payment rate must be the sum of the total operating cost payment rate, the special operating cost payment rate, and the property related payment rate.
The total payment rate must not exceed the rate paid by private paying residents for similar services for the same period. This limit does not apply to payments made by the commissioner for approved services for very dependent persons with special needs under parts 9510.1020 to 9510.1140.
Rates charged for respite care must be identified separately. The respite care payment rate may be different than the total payment rate established by the commissioner if the services provided to the respite care resident are not similar to services provided to other facility residents for the same period.
A facility whose total payment rate established for the rate year beginning during calendar year 1985, will be in effect for a period greater than 12 months due to the phase-in of a common reporting year, shall receive for the months over 12 months, its total payment rate increased by the prorated annual percentage change in the all urban consumer price index (CPI-U) for Minneapolis/St. Paul as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics between January 1984 and January 1985, new series index (1967=100). That adjusted total payment rate shall be in effect until September 30, 1986. This adjusted total payment rate must not be in effect for more than nine months.
MS s 256B.501
10 SR 1298
October 15, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes