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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subpart 1.

Funds not needed.

If the commissioner determines that funds are not needed to implement the approved application, and if the county board agrees the funds are not needed, then the county board shall return the unneeded portion of the grant immediately.

Subp. 2.

Funds not properly used.

If the commissioner determines that funds are not being used according to the approved application and budget, all or part of the grant may be terminated upon 30 days notice to the affected county board with a copy to the affected facility. The commissioner may require repayment of any funds not used according to the approved application and budget. If the commissioner receives a written appeal from the county board within the 30-day period, opportunity for a hearing pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, Minnesota Statutes, chapter 14, shall be provided before the grant is terminated or is required to be repaid. The 30-day period shall begin upon the county board's receipt of the commissioner's notice by certified mail.

Subp. 3.

Use of returned funds.

The commissioner may use the funds returned under subpart 1 or 2 to make new awards for other applications and budgets approved under part 9535.2200, subpart 6.

Subp. 4.

Delayed payments.

If the commissioner's grant award letter states that a grant payment is contingent upon compliance with specific conditions required by parts 9535.2000 to 9535.3000; and if the affected county board, its contracting facilities, or subcontractors fail to meet the conditions, the commissioner may delay the grant payment until the conditions are met or until the conditions are revised through the process in part 9535.2800. The commissioner shall not delay the payment longer than three months unless he or she first issues a grant termination notice pursuant to subpart 2. After this notice is issued, the commissioner may continue to delay the payment until completion of the hearing provided in subpart 2.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 245.73

Published Electronically:

October 15, 2013

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes