The commissioner shall set the deadlines for grant applications made under Minnesota Statutes, section 245.73. The commissioner shall inform county boards of the deadlines. If the commissioner establishes more than one review cycle, the term "deadline for applications" as used in subpart 2, items C to E shall mean the deadline for the cycle in which application is made.
In response to applications and budgets that meet the requirements of parts 9535.2300 and 9535.2400, the commissioner shall allocate grants to county boards for specific eligible facilities. If the appropriation is not sufficient to fund all applications, the commissioner shall use the following order of descending priorities:
facilities previously funded under Minnesota Statutes, section 245.73, unless otherwise indicated by law;
In each priority, for the biennium ending June 30, 1983, the commissioner shall give first consideration to facilities within the Rochester State Hospital catchment area counties of Dakota, Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, and Winona.
If two or more eligible facilities fall within the same priority and if the appropriation is not sufficient to fund all facilities within that priority, the commissioner shall allocate grants for those facilities which he or she deems most appropriate within the statewide continuum of care for adults who are mentally ill.
The commissioner shall limit grants to facilities that can show that they will:
submit a completed application for a license under parts 9520.0500 to 9520.0690 within three months of the effective date of the grant award;
The commissioner shall base his or her approval of applications and budgets on the applications' and budgets' compliance with Minnesota Statutes, section 245.73 and parts 9535.2000 to 9535.3000 and on the availability of funds within the allocation priorities in subparts 2 to 4.
To the extent that the county board, its contracting facilities, and subcontractors are also subject to other laws and rules, they shall also meet the standards of those laws and rules to be eligible for a grant under Minnesota Statutes, section 245.73.
MS s 245.73
L 2002 c 221 s 50
October 15, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes