The terms used in parts 9535.2000 to 9535.3000 have the meanings given them in subparts 2 to 5.
"Commissioner" means the commissioner of human services or a designated representative.
"County board" means the county board of commissioners or a designated representative.
"Person who is mentally ill" means a person who has been diagnosed by a physician, a licensed psychologist, or a licensed consulting psychologist as having a condition:
which results in an inability to interpret the environment realistically and in impaired functioning in primary aspects of daily living, such as personal relations, living arrangements, work, and recreation; or
which is listed in the code range 290, 293-302.9 or 306-314.9 of the International Classification of Diseases, (ICD-9-CM) issued by the National Center for Health Statistics (Ann Arbor, Michigan: Edwards Brothers, 1978) or in the corresponding code on Axes I, II, or III in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, (DSM-III) issued by the American Psychiatric Association (Washington, D.C., 1980).
MS s 245.73
L 1984 c 654 art 5 s 58; L 2002 c 221 s 50
October 15, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes