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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

9530.7000 DEFINITIONS.

Subpart 1.


For the purposes of parts 9530.7000 to 9530.7030, the following terms have the meanings given them.

Subp. 2.


"Chemical" means alcohol, solvents, and other mood altering substances, including controlled substances as defined in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 152.

Subp. 3.

[Repealed, 32 SR 2268]

Subp. 4.

[Repealed, 32 SR 2268]

Subp. 5.

Chemical dependency treatment services.

"Chemical dependency treatment services" means services provided by chemical dependency treatment programs licensed according to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 245G, or certified according to parts 2960.0450 to 2960.0490.

Subp. 6.


"Client" means an individual who has requested chemical abuse or dependency services, or for whom chemical abuse or dependency services have been requested, from a local agency.

Subp. 7.


"Commissioner" means the commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Human Services or the commissioner's designated representative.

Subp. 8.

Consolidated chemical dependency treatment fund.

"Consolidated chemical dependency treatment fund" means money appropriated for payment of chemical dependency treatment services under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 254B.

Subp. 9.


"Copayment" means the amount an insured person is obligated to pay before the person's third-party payment source is obligated to make a payment, or the amount an insured person is obligated to pay in addition to the amount the person's third-party payment source is obligated to pay.

Subp. 9a.

[Repealed, 32 SR 2268]

Subp. 10.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Normative Evaluation System or DAANES.

"Drug and Alcohol Abuse Normative Evaluation System" or "DAANES" means the client information system operated by the department's Chemical Dependency Program Division.

Subp. 11.


"Department" means the Minnesota Department of Human Services.

Subp. 12.

[Repealed, 32 SR 2268]

Subp. 13.


"Income" means the total amount of cash received by an individual from the following sources:


cash payments for wages or salaries;


cash receipts from nonfarm or farm self-employment, minus deductions allowed by the federal Internal Revenue Service for business or farm expenses;


regular cash payments from social security, railroad retirement, unemployment compensation, workers' union funds, veterans' benefits, the Minnesota family investment program, Supplemental Security Income, General Assistance, training stipends, alimony, child support, and military family allotments;


cash payments from private pensions, government employee pensions, and regular insurance or annuity payments;


cash payments for dividends, interest, rents, or royalties; and


periodic cash receipts from estates or trusts.

Income does not include capital gains; any cash assets drawn down as withdrawals from a bank, the sale of property, a house, or a car; tax refunds, gifts, lump sum inheritances, one time insurance payments, or compensation for injury; court-ordered child support or health insurance premium payments made by the client or responsible relative; and noncash benefits such as health insurance, food or rent received in lieu of wages, and noncash benefits from programs such as Medicare, Medical Assistance, Food Stamps, school lunches, and housing assistance. Annual income is the amount reported and verified by an individual as current income calculated prospectively to cover one year.

Subp. 14.

Local agency.

"Local agency" means the county or multicounty agency authorized under Minnesota Statutes, sections 254B.01, subdivision 5, and 254B.03, subdivision 1, to make placements under the Consolidated Chemical Dependency Treatment Fund.

Subp. 15.

Minor child.

"Minor child" means an individual under the age of 18 years.

Subp. 16.

[Repealed, 32 SR 2268]

Subp. 17.

[Repealed, 32 SR 2268]

Subp. 17a.


"Policyholder" means a person who has a third-party payment policy under which a third-party payment source has an obligation to pay all or part of a client's treatment costs.

Subp. 18.

[Repealed, 32 SR 2268]

Subp. 19.

Responsible relative.

"Responsible relative" means a person who is a member of the client's household and is a client's spouse or the parent of a minor child who is a client.

Subp. 20.

Third-party payment source.

"Third-party payment source" means a person, entity, or public or private agency other than medical assistance or general assistance medical care that has a probable obligation to pay all or part of the costs of a client's chemical dependency treatment.

Subp. 21.


"Vendor" means a licensed provider of chemical dependency treatment services that meets the criteria established in Minnesota Statutes, section 254B.05, and that has applied according to part 9505.0195 to participate as a provider in the medical assistance program.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 241.021; 245A.03; 245A.09; 245B.03; 254A.03; 254B.03; 254B.04


12 SR 53; 13 SR 1448; 15 SR 1540; 16 SR 391; L 2000 c 478 art 2 s 7; L 2006 c 212 art 1 s 25; 32 SR 2268

Published Electronically:

November 18, 2019

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes