All staff members who have direct client contact must be at least 18 years of age. At the time of hiring, all staff members must meet the qualifications in item A or B. A chemical use problem for purposes of this subpart is a problem listed by the license holder in the personnel policies and procedures according to part 9530.6460, subpart 1, item E.
Treatment directors, supervisors, nurses, counselors, and other professionals must be free of chemical use problems for at least the two years immediately preceding their hiring and must sign a statement attesting to that fact.
Paraprofessionals and all other staff members with direct client contact must be free of chemical use problems for at least one year immediately preceding their hiring and must sign a statement attesting to that fact.
Staff members with direct client contact must be free from chemical use problems as a condition of employment, but are not required to sign additional statements. Staff members with direct client contact who are not free from chemical use problems must be removed from any responsibilities that include direct client contact for the time period specified in subpart 1. The time period begins to run on the date the employee begins receiving treatment services or the date of the last incident as described in the list developed according to part 9530.6460, subpart 1, item E.
In addition to meeting the requirements of subpart 1, a treatment director must know and understand the implications of parts 9530.6405 to 9530.6505 and Minnesota Statutes, chapter 245A, and sections 626.556, 626.557, and 626.5572. A treatment director must:
have at least one year of work experience in direct service to individuals with chemical use problems or one year of work experience in the management or administration of direct service to individuals with chemical use problems; and
have a baccalaureate degree or three years of work experience in administration or personnel supervision in human services.
In addition to meeting the requirements of subpart 1, an alcohol and drug counselor supervisor must meet the following qualifications:
the individual has three or more years of experience providing individual and group counseling to chemically dependent clients except that, prior to January 1, 2005, an individual employed in a program formerly licensed under parts 9530.5000 to 9530.6400 is required to have one or more years experience; and
In addition to meeting the requirements of subpart 1, an alcohol and drug counselor must be either licensed or exempt from licensure under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 148C. An alcohol and drug counselor must document competence in screening for and working with clients with mental health problems, through education, training, and experience.
Alcohol and drug counselors licensed under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 148C, must comply with rules adopted under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 148C.
Counselors exempt under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 148C, must be competent, as evidenced by one of the following:
completion of at least a baccalaureate degree with a major or concentration in social work, nursing, sociology, human services, or psychology, or licensure as a registered nurse; successful completion of a minimum of 120 hours of classroom instruction in which each of the core functions listed in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 148C, is covered; and successful completion of 440 hours of supervised experience as an alcohol and drug counselor, either as a student or as a staff member;
completion of 270 hours of alcohol and drug counselor training in which each of the core functions listed in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 148C, is covered, and successful completion of 880 hours of supervised experience as an alcohol and drug counselor, either as a student, or as a staff member;
current certification as an alcohol and drug counselor or alcohol and drug counselor reciprocal, through the evaluation process established by the International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse, Inc., and published in the Case Presentation Method Trainer's Manual, copyright 1993. The manual is incorporated by reference. It is available at the State Law Library, Judicial Center, 25 Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, Minnesota 55155;
completion of a bachelor's degree including 480 hours of alcohol and drug counseling education from an accredited school or educational program and 880 hours of alcohol and drug counseling practicum; or
A paraprofessional must comply with subpart 1 and have knowledge of client rights, outlined in Minnesota Statutes, section 148F.165, and of staff responsibilities. A paraprofessional may not admit, transfer, or discharge clients but may be the person responsible for the delivery of treatment services as required in part 9530.6445, subpart 3.
Volunteers may provide treatment services when they are supervised and can be seen or heard by a staff member meeting the criteria in subpart 4 or 5, but may not practice alcohol and drug counseling unless qualified under subpart 5.
A qualified staff person must supervise and be responsible for all treatment services performed by student interns and must review and sign all assessments, progress notes, and treatment plans prepared by the intern. Student interns must meet the requirements in subpart 1, item A, and receive the orientation and training required in part 9530.6460, subpart 1, item G, and subpart 2.
Individuals with a temporary permit from the Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy may provide chemical dependency treatment services under the conditions in either item A or B.
The individual is supervised by a licensed alcohol and drug counselor assigned by the license holder. The licensed alcohol and drug counselor must document the amount and type of supervision at least weekly. The supervision must relate to clinical practices. One licensed alcohol and drug counselor may not supervise more than three individuals with temporary permits, according to Minnesota Statutes, section 148C.01, subdivision 12a.
29 SR 129; 32 SR 2268; L 2013 c 125 art 1 s 107
January 30, 2015
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes