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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subpart 1.

Treatment services offered by license holder.


A license holder must offer the following treatment services unless clinically inappropriate and the justifying clinical rationale is documented:


individual and group counseling to help the client identify and address problems related to chemical use and develop strategies to avoid inappropriate chemical use after discharge;


client education strategies to avoid inappropriate chemical use and health problems related to chemical use and the necessary changes in lifestyle to regain and maintain health. Client education must include information concerning the human immunodeficiency virus, according to Minnesota Statutes, section 245A.19, other sexually transmitted diseases, drug and alcohol use during pregnancy, hepatitis, and tuberculosis;


transition services to help the client integrate gains made during treatment into daily living and to reduce reliance on the license holder's staff for support;


services to address issues related to co-occurring mental illness, including education for clients on basic symptoms of mental illness, the possibility of comorbidity, and the need for continued medication compliance while working on recovery from substance use disorder. Groups must address co-occurring mental illness issues, as needed. When treatment for mental health problems is indicated, it is integrated into the client's treatment plan; and


service coordination to help the client obtain the services and to support the client's need to establish a lifestyle free of the harmful effects of substance use disorder.


Treatment services provided to individual clients must be provided according to the individual treatment plan and must address cultural differences and special needs of all clients.

Subp. 2.

Additional treatment services.

A license holder may provide or arrange the following additional treatment services as a part of the individual treatment plan:


relationship counseling provided by a qualified professional to help the client identify the impact of the client's substance use disorder on others and to help the client and persons in the client's support structure identify and change behaviors that contribute to the client's substance use disorder;


therapeutic recreation to provide the client with an opportunity to participate in recreational activities without the use of mood-altering chemicals and to learn to plan and select leisure activities that do not involve the inappropriate use of chemicals;


stress management and physical well-being to help the client reach and maintain an acceptable level of health, physical fitness, and well-being;


living skills development to help the client learn basic skills necessary for independent living;


employment or educational services to help the client become financially independent;


socialization skills development to help the client live and interact with others in a positive and productive manner; and


room, board, and supervision provided at the treatment site to give the client a safe and appropriate environment in which to gain and practice new skills.

Subp. 3.

Counselors to provide treatment services.

Treatment services, including therapeutic recreation, must be provided by alcohol and drug counselors qualified according to part 9530.6450, unless the individual providing the service is specifically qualified according to the accepted standards of that profession. Therapeutic recreation does not include planned leisure activities.

Subp. 4.

Location of service provision.

A client of a license holder may only receive services at any of the license holder's licensed locations or at the client's home, except that services under subpart 1, item A, subitems (3) and (5), and subpart 2, items B and E, may be provided in another suitable location.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 241.021; 245A.03; 245A.09; 254A.03; 254B.03; 254B.04


29 SR 129; 32 SR 2268

Published Electronically:

October 15, 2013

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes