To be eligible for payment under the medical assistance program, medical supplies and equipment must meet the conditions in items A to C.
A purchase of nondurable medical supplies not requiring prior authorization must not exceed an amount necessary to provide a one month supply.
The cost of a repair to durable medical equipment that is rented or purchased by the medical assistance program under a warranty is not eligible for medical assistance payment if the repair is covered by the warranty.
In the case of rental equipment, the sum of rental payments during the projected period of the recipient's use must not exceed the purchase price allowed by medical assistance unless the sum of the projected rental payments in excess of the purchase price receives prior authorization. All rental payments must apply to purchase of the equipment.
Durable medical equipment is subject to the payment limitations in items A and C.
A provider who furnishes durable medical equipment for a recipient who is a resident of a hospital or long-term care facility may submit a separate claim for medical assistance payment if the equipment has been modified for the recipient or the item is necessary for the continuous care and exclusive use of the recipient to meet the recipient's unusual medical need according to the written order of a physician.
For purposes of this item, "modified" refers to the addition of an item to a piece of durable medical equipment that cannot be removed without damaging the equipment or refers to the addition of an item to a piece of durable medical equipment that permanently alters the equipment. Equipment purchased through medical assistance on a separate claim for payment becomes the property of the recipient.
Payment for durable medical equipment that is not for the continuous care and exclusive use of the recipient is included within the payment rate made to the hospital under parts 9500.1090 to 9500.1140 and to the long-term care facility under part 9549.0060.
In addition to the types of equipment and supplies specified in part 9549.0040, subpart 5, item U, the following durable medical equipment, prosthetics, and medical supplies are considered to be included in the payment to a hospital or long-term care facility and are not eligible for medical assistance payment on a separate claim for payment.
Equipment used by individual recipients that is reusable and expected to be necessary for the health care needs of persons expected to receive health services in the hospital or long-term care facility. Examples include heat, light, and cold application devices; straight catheters; walkers, wheelchairs not specified under item A, and other ambulatory aids; patient lifts; transfer devices; weighing scales; monitoring equipment, including glucose monitors; trapezes.
Equipment customarily used for treatment and prevention of skin pressure areas and decubiti. Examples are alternating pressure mattresses, and foam or gel cushions and pads.
Prior authorization is a condition of medical assistance payment for the medical supplies and equipment in items A to C:
durable medical equipment, prostheses, and orthoses if the cost of their purchase, projected cumulative rental for the period of the recipient's expected use, or repairs exceeds the performance agreement limit; and
maintenance of durable medical equipment.
For purposes of this subpart, "maintenance" means a service made at routine intervals based on hours of use or calendar days to ensure that equipment is in proper working order. "Repair" means service to restore equipment to proper working order after the equipment's damage, malfunction, or cessation of function.
The medical supplies and equipment in items A to F are not eligible for medical assistance payments:
medical supplies and equipment that are not covered under Medicare except for raised toilet seats; bathtub chairs and seats; bath lifts; prosthetic communication devices; and any item that meets the criteria in part 9505.0210;
routine, periodic maintenance on medical equipment owned by a long-term care facility or hospital when the cost of maintenance is billed to medical assistance on a separate claim for payment;
durable medical equipment that will serve the same purpose as equipment already in use by the recipient;
medical supplies or equipment requiring prior authorization when the prior authorization is not obtained;
MS s 256B.04
12 SR 624
January 14, 2010
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes