A license to operate a family or group family day care residence must be obtained from the department.
Application for a license must be made on the application form issued by the department. The application must be made in the county where the applicant resides.
The applicant shall be the person who will be the provider of care in the residence, present during the hours of operation, and who shall be legally responsible for the operation of the residence.
An application for licensure is complete when the applicant completes, signs, and submits all department forms and documentation needed for licensure to the agency and the agency receives all inspection, zoning, evaluation, and investigative reports, documentation, and information required to verify compliance with parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445 and Minnesota Statutes.
The applicant shall give the agency access to the residence for a licensing study to determine compliance with parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445.
If, in the judgment of the agency representative, a potentially hazardous condition may be present, due to a violation of parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445, the applicant shall obtain an inspection from a fire marshal, building official, or agent of a board of health as authorized under Minnesota Statutes, section 145A.04 to verify the absence of hazard and report to the agency.
The residence must comply with any applicable local ordinances. If the commissioner or the agency has reasonable cause to believe a hazardous condition may be present and requests an inspection by a fire marshal, building official, or authorized agent, then any condition cited by a fire marshal, building official, or authorized agent as hazardous and creating an immediate danger of fire, or threat to human life and safety, must be corrected or a variance approved in accordance with subparts 8, 8a, and 8b prior to issuance of a license.
An initial inspection of the residence by a fire marshal to determine compliance with the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code and compliance with orders issued are conditions of licensure for all residences with freestanding solid fuel heating appliances; manufactured (mobile) homes; new applicants for licensure with a licensed capacity of more than ten; day care residences which use the basement for child care; and residences in mixed or multiple occupancy buildings. "Multiple occupancy building" means a structure with two or more residential dwelling units such as a duplex, apartment building, or townhome. "Mixed occupancy building" means a residence in a structure that contains nonresidential occupancies or an attached garage.
The commissioner or agency may require, prior to licensure, or anytime during the licensed term of day care, a physical, mental illness, or chemical dependency or abuse evaluation of any caregiver or person living in the residence or present during the hours children are in care if the agency has reasonable cause to believe that any of the disqualification factors in subpart 6, item A, exist, or that the provider is not physically able to care for the children. These evaluations, conducted by a licensed physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, consulting psychologist, or certified chemical dependency practitioner or counselor may be used to verify physical or mental illness, chemical dependency or chemical abuse, or behavior that would reflect on the ability of the provider to give day care.
A license must be issued by the department when the provider fully complies with parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445. The period of licensure may be up to two years. The license must not be transferred to another provider.
An applicant for initial licensure may be granted a license by the department for up to two years if all laws and rules cannot be met immediately, the deviations from parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445 do not threaten the health, rights, or safety of the children, and which will be corrected within the time specified by the commissioner but not to exceed two years. Failure to correct deviations within the stated time shall be cause for revocation, suspension, or nonrenewal.
An applicant or provider shall not be issued a license or the license shall be revoked, not renewed, or suspended if the applicant, provider, or any other person living in the day care residence or present during the hours children are in care, or working with children:
Abuses prescription drugs or uses controlled substances as specified in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 152, or alcohol, to the extent that the use or abuse has or may have a negative effect on the ability of the provider to give care or is apparent during the hours children are in care. Caregivers who have abused prescription drugs or have been dependent on controlled substances as specified in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 152, or alcohol, such that the use, abuse, or dependency has had a negative effect on the ability to give care, was apparent during the hours children are in care, or required treatment or therapy, must have 12 months of verified abstinence before licensure.
Refuses to give written consent for the disclosure of criminal history records as specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 245C.09.
Has a disqualification under Minnesota Statutes, section 245C.15, that is not set aside under Minnesota Statutes, section 245C.22, or for which a variance has not been granted under Minnesota Statutes, section 245C.30.
Has had a child placed in foster care within the past 12 months and the agency determines the reasons for placement reflect on the ability of the provider to give care. A license may not be denied if the primary reason for the placement was due to a physical illness of the parent, developmental disability of the child, a disability of the child, or for the temporary care of an infant being relinquished for adoption.
Has had a child placed in residential treatment within the past 12 months for emotional disturbance or antisocial behavior and the agency determines that the reasons for the placement reflect on the ability of the provider to give care.
An applicant or provider may request a variance from compliance with parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445. When reviewing a variance request of parts 9502.0315 and 9502.0445, the department shall assess whether alternative methods are identified by the applicant or provider to ensure the health, safety, and protection of children in care. A variance may be granted only if:
specific equivalent measures are identified by the applicant or provider to ensure the health, safety, and protection of the children in care;
any variance to the safety provisions in part 9502.0425, subparts 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 17, and 18 which relate to the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code is approved by a fire marshal and alternative measures are identified to ensure the safety of children in care;
any variance of the provisions in part 9502.0435 relating to sanitation and health and part 9502.0445 on water, food, and nutrition are approved by an authorized agent and alternative measures are identified to ensure the health of children in care;
any variance of the provisions in part 9502.0425 relating to subparts 10, stairways; 11, decks; and 13, sewage disposal which relate to the State Building Code, are approved by a building official and alternative measures are identified to ensure the health and safety of children in care; and
any variance to subpart 6, item F must have clear and convincing evidence presented by the applicant or provider that no threat or harm whatsoever will result to the children in care due to the granting of the variance. The department shall consider the nature of the crime committed and the amount of time which has elapsed without a repeat of the crime.
Request for a variance must comply with and be handled according to the following procedures.
An applicant or provider must submit to the agency a written request for a variance. The request must include the following information:
the sections of parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445 with which the applicant or provider cannot comply;
the specific equivalent alternative measures which the applicant or provider will provide so the health, safety, and protection of children in care are ensured if the variance is granted.
An applicant or provider must submit to the agency written approval from a fire marshal of a variance request and the alternative measures identified to ensure the safety of children in care when a variance of the fire safety provisions in part 9502.0425 on physical environment is requested. These are part 9502.0425, subpart 4, means of escape; subpart 5, occupancy separations; subpart 6, vertical separations; subpart 7, heating and venting systems; subpart 12, locks and latches; subpart 15, interior walls and ceilings; subpart 16, extinguishers; subpart 17, smoke detection systems; and subpart 18, electrical services.
An applicant or provider must submit to the agency written approval from an authorized agent of a variance request and the alternative measures identified to ensure the safety of children in care when a variance of the health provisions in parts 9502.0435 on sanitation and health, and 9502.0445 on water, food, and nutrition is requested.
An applicant or provider must submit to the agency written approval from a building official of a variance request and alternative measures identified to ensure the health and safety of children in care when a variance is requested of the standards contained in part 9502.0425 relating to subparts 10, stairways; 11, decks; and 13, sewage disposal.
The provider shall post the license in the residence in a prominent place.
The following shall apply to changes in the terms of a license.
A new department application form must be submitted by the provider and a full licensing study as specified in part 9502.0335, subpart 2, must be completed when the provider wants to move the day care operation to a new residence or the provider wants to change to group family day care from family day care.
A new department application form indicating the changes in the ages and numbers of children in care must be completed when the provider wants to change to family day care from group family day care.
A background study must be initiated and completed as required under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 245C.
No provider shall be issued a license to operate more than one day care residence.
The provider shall give authorized representatives of the commissioner or agency access to the residence during the hours of operation to determine whether the residence complies with the standards of parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445. Access shall include:
any adjoining land or buildings owned or operated by the applicant or provider in conjunction with the provision of day care and designed for use by the children in care;
noninterference in interviewing all caregivers and household members present in the residence on a regular basis and present during the hours of operation; and
When a provider stops giving care, or if a license is revoked, suspended, or not renewed, the provider shall return the license to the commissioner, stop all advertising and refrain from providing care to children in excess of the exclusions specified in part 9502.0325, subpart 3.
9 SR 2106; 10 SR 2617; L 1987 c 309 s 24, c 333 s 22; 12 SR 2252; 13 SR 1448; 15 SR 2043; 15 SR 2105; L 1991 c 38 s 2; L 2001 1Sp9 art 14 s 35; L 2005 c 56 s 2; 30 SR 585
October 8, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes