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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subpart 1.


The amount of assistance granted must be calculated by comparing the applicant's income and assets to the amount appropriate for the applicant's household size on the schedule of allowances.

Subp. 2.

Subtract income from schedule amount.

The amount of assistance granted must be calculated by subtracting the applicant's income from the amount appropriate for the applicant's family size, as determined from the schedule of allowances.

EXAMPLE: A veteran with a spouse and dependent child applies for assistance. Total income available to the household is $75 per week, which is the spouse's take-home pay.

$75 times 4.3 weeks per month equals $322.50 average monthly income to the household. Schedule of allowances for a family of three is $490. $490 minus $322.50 equals $167.50, which would be issued to the veteran and family. In addition, current utility bills would be paid upon submission.

Subp. 3.

Asset limitation.

A person who has assets at or in excess of the maximum allowance according to the schedule of allowances may not receive financial assistance from the department under the state soldiers assistance fund.

Subp. 4.

Assistance limited to six consecutive months.

Applicants may not receive more than six consecutive months of financial assistance under the state soldiers assistance fund unless assistance beyond six months is authorized by the commissioner.

Subp. 5.

Assistance beyond six consecutive months.

Assistance beyond six consecutive months may be authorized only when the applicant has applied for long-term benefits such as Social Security retirement or disability benefits, workers' compensation, United States Department of Veterans Affairs disability compensation or pension benefits, private pension benefits, or similar benefits and a determination of eligibility for those benefits has not been rendered or benefits have not been paid by the responsible agency.

Subp. 6.

Shared households; calculation of utility allowance.

Applicants who share a household may be eligible to receive assistance under the state soldiers assistance program. Only the income and the assets of the eligible veteran and the eligible veteran's dependents may be considered in the calculation of income and assets used to determine eligibility under subparts 1 to 5.

Allowances for shelter and utility payments must be prorated based on the number of individuals residing in the shared household. Assistance must be authorized only for the amount of the prorated share of shelter and utility payments used by the eligible veteran and the eligible veteran's dependents.

Utility bills submitted for payment under this part must be in the name of the veteran or claimant. If the bill submitted for payment is in the name of someone other than the veteran or claimant, reimbursement for the applicant's prorated portion of the bill must be considered on submission of a copy of the bill and proof of payment of the bill.

Subp. 7.

Written recommendation of county veteran's service officer.

If immediate financial assistance is required to assist an eligible veteran or an eligible veteran's dependents and a statement of the applicant's qualifying medical disability cannot be furnished in a timely manner with the application, the department may authorize a single 30-day subsistence grant to the eligible veteran or eligible veteran's dependents, based on the written recommendation of a Minnesota county veteran's service officer.

The statement of the applicant's qualifying disability must be forwarded to the department as soon as possible, but in no instance later than 30 days after the date of the application.

Continued assistance beyond the initial 30-day period of assistance based on the recommendation of a Minnesota county veteran's service officer requires a completed application as outlined in part 9055.0055. The application will be completed by the county veteran's service officer.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 196.04


16 SR 1709; 18 SR 273

Published Electronically:

July 31, 2006

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes