This subpart applies to all kinds of vans and buses but does not apply to passenger cars, taxis, or station wagons. A special transportation service vehicle must meet federal motor vehicle safety standard number 216 or 220, roof crush resistance or school bus rollover protection, found in Code of Federal Regulations, title 49, sections 571.216 and 571.220, which are incorporated by reference. For a vehicle subject to this subpart, the provider must obtain from the manufacturer or from the person who manufactures, constructs, or reconstructs the roof of the vehicle, certification that the vehicle meets the requirements of federal motor vehicle safety standard number 216 or 220. The certification must be in a form prescribed by the commissioner and must contain the following information:
a statement that the vehicle was constructed according to standards that have been tested and found to meet the performance requirements for roof crush resistance or school bus rollover protection established by federal motor vehicle safety standard number 216 or 220.
If the roof of the vehicle has been altered, the certification must contain:
a statement from the person who alters the roof of the vehicle that the vehicle was constructed according to standards that have been tested and found to meet the performance requirements for rollover protection established by federal motor vehicle safety standard number 220;
the name, address, and telephone number of the manufacturer or person who altered the roof of the vehicle;
the name, address, and telephone number of the laboratory or testing facility that conducted tests on the manufacturer's or other person's test specimen and certified that a vehicle built to the design and construction standards used in the test specimen meets the performance requirements of federal motor vehicle safety standard number 220;
the name, address, and telephone number of the provider to whom the vehicle described on the form was supplied.
Instead of the statement prescribed in this part, the provider may submit to the commissioner literature, letters, and memoranda from the manufacturer or other person who constructs or reconstructs the vehicle or from the testing facility if those documents establish that the vehicle meets the performance standards of federal motor vehicle safety standard number 220.
If a vehicle is equipped with a wheelchair lift, it must have a front entrance door in addition to the lift door.
If a vehicle is designed to carry more than ten persons, it must comply with the requirements of federal motor vehicle safety standard number 217, found in Code of Federal Regulations, title 49, section 571.217, which is incorporated by reference.
If a vehicle is designed to carry ten or fewer persons, it must also be constructed with one of the following:
a rear exit door that can be opened from both the inside and the outside of the vehicle.
The location of exits must be marked on the interior and exterior of vehicles except for passenger cars, taxis, and station wagons.
Doors and windows must open and close as intended by the manufacturer.
This subpart applies to all kinds of vans and buses but does not apply to passenger cars, taxis, and station wagons. The door height of vehicles must conform to the requirements of Code of Federal Regulations, title 49, section 38.25, paragraph (c), which is incorporated by reference.
MS s 174.30
17 SR 634; 28 SR 1578; 48 SR 155
September 14, 2023
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes