Before providing special transportation service, each driver and attendant must complete:
instruction in operating the radio, cellular telephone, or other means of two-way communication required by part 8840.5925, subpart 1, item D;
instruction and demonstration in operating the vehicle ramp, wheelchair lift, and wheelchair securement devices, if the vehicle is so equipped;
instruction in what to do and whom to call in a medical emergency or an accident, including training in the use of the fire extinguisher and use of emergency triangles under part 8840.5950, subpart 4;
except for attendants, instruction in conducting the daily vehicle inspection required by part 8840.5950, subpart 1, item B;
instruction in maintaining the cleanliness of the vehicle, sanitization of the vehicle, and use of the body fluids cleanup kit under part 8840.5925, subpart 1, item C; and
for drivers, evaluation of behind-the-wheel skills, including defensive driving, merging, lane changing, right turns, left turns, backing, railroad crossing, and parking.
Within 45 days after beginning to provide special transportation service, each driver and attendant shall complete:
four hours of training in first aid, except that this requirement does not apply to a person who possesses a current first aid certificate taught by a certified instructor using a certified course under part 8840.6200 or who possesses a current certificate issued under Minnesota Statutes, section 144E.27;
Each driver and attendant shall successfully complete a first aid or emergency-care course of not less than four hours that must include instruction in:
recognition of sudden illness such as stroke, heart attack, convulsions, fainting, and seizures;
mental health first aid, including recognizing signs of a mental health emergency or panic attack; and
Each driver and attendant who transports passengers seated in wheelchairs or who assists passengers in transferring from a wheelchair to a vehicle shall complete a minimum of eight hours of training in the techniques of transporting and assisting the elderly and passengers with physical disabilities. Passenger assistance training must include:
discussion of functional limitations of the aging process and major disabling conditions and how those conditions affect mobility and communication, including:
description of the uses, functions, and limitations of assistive devices used by the elderly and persons with disabilities and the means of providing assistance to persons using those devices as well as securing those devices and periphery items such as baggage, oxygen tanks, and other medical equipment;
discussion of attitudes toward the elderly, children, and persons with mental and physical disabilities, which, when possible, includes the participation of the elderly and persons with disabilities;
discussion of strategy and available resources for situations where communications may be limited due to language barriers;
discussion of the effect of mobility impairments, medication, mental health, and past experiences on passengers and how to behave in a sensitive and professional manner;
discussion, demonstration, and practice by students in methods of:
handling wheelchairs, including moving wheelchairs up and down steps, curbs, ramps, and lifts;
if the service transfers passengers from a wheelchair to a seat, discussion and demonstration of communicating with, moving, lifting, and transferring passengers, including assisted and unassisted transfers, two-handed transfers, and standing transfers;
instruction in guidelines for appropriate handling of a vehicle transporting persons with disabilities that includes instruction that passengers may have balance or mobility problems and may not be able to grab railings or brace themselves for sudden stops, sharp turns, or other uneven or abrupt maneuvers;
discussion and demonstration of placing the assistive devices, operating the lifts, ramps, and wheelchair securement devices, and using them if the vehicle to be operated is equipped with them;
discussion and demonstration of the assistance to be offered to ambulatory passengers, including assistance for standing, sitting, and going up and down steps and curbs;
discussion of communicating safety concerns related to assistive and mobility devices during transportation.
In addition to the training required under subpart 5, each driver and attendant who transports passengers on a stretcher shall complete a minimum of two hours of training in the techniques of transporting the elderly and passengers with disabilities who use or require a stretcher for transportation.
Each driver and attendant who transports the elderly and passengers with physical disabilities who do not use stretchers or wheelchairs, or who transports passengers who do not transfer from a wheelchair to a seat in the vehicle, shall complete a minimum of four hours of training in the techniques of transporting and assisting the elderly and passengers with physical disabilities. The training must include instruction in the elements listed in subpart 5, items A to E and H to L.
Each driver and attendant who transports passengers that require a child passenger restraint system shall complete a minimum of three hours of training in the techniques of the use of child passenger restraint systems and securement of child passengers.
Each driver and attendant shall successfully complete an abuse-prevention training course of not less than four hours that must include instruction in statutes, rules, and applicable procedures relating to:
Each driver and attendant shall successfully complete within three years from the date the driver or attendant completed the training required in subpart 2, and every three-year period thereafter:
a four-hour refresher first aid or emergency-care course, which must include instruction in the elements listed in subpart 4;
two hours of training in securement for the modes of transportation the driver or attendant provide;
If a provider employs a driver or attendant who has previously completed a training the provider believes is equivalent to, or is more extensive than, the requirements of this part, the provider may submit evidence to the commissioner. The commissioner shall follow the same procedures as in part 8840.6200 in determining whether the training taken meets or exceeds the requirements of this part. The commissioner shall send the requesting provider written notification of the decision within 30 days. If the training is found to meet or exceed the requirements of this part, the provider must keep the commissioner's notification in the affected driver's or attendant's file.
MS s 174.30
17 SR 634; 28 SR 1578; L 2005 c 56 s 2; L 2013 c 62 s 32; 48 SR 155
September 14, 2023
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes