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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subpart 1.

Information required.

A person seeking a license from the board must submit to the board the information and documents in items A to D.


A completed, signed, and notarized application form provided by the board, with the required, nonrefundable application fee specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 148B.226, payable to the Board of Social Work. An application which is not completed, signed, or notarized, or which is not accompanied by the correct fee, shall be returned to the person submitting the application and is void. A person seeking a license from the board must provide the person's legal name, prior names used, and Social Security number.


An official copy of the applicant's transcript, which verifies the major and the degree granted and the date of the degree. Transcripts must be sent directly to the board from the institution granting the degree.


For an application for licensure as a licensed independent social worker or a licensed independent clinical social worker, verification of supervised practice in a form specified by the board from each supervisor whom the applicant has identified on the application form, verifying that the applicant has met the applicable supervised practice requirements in part 8740.0130. The supervisor shall submit the verification of supervised practice directly to the board. If an applicant cannot locate the supervisor, the board may accept alternative verification of supervised practice.


For persons who have held or hold a social work or related license or other credential from another jurisdiction, verification of the other license or other credential, in a form specified by the board, including the effective and expiration dates of the license, whether the license was obtained by examination or another basis, and whether the license is in good standing.

Subp. 1a.

Taking licensing examination.

If the board determines that an applicant meets the degree and any supervised practice requirements, the board shall notify the applicant of the board's approval for the applicant to take the licensing examination.

Subp. 2.

Taking licensing examination before completing degree requirements.

An applicant enrolled in an accredited program of social work may take the licensing examination during the six-month period before the date on which the applicant expects to complete the requirements of a degree if the applicant submits, with the application for licensure, a letter from the department chair or advisor at the accredited program of social work verifying:


that the applicant is in good standing in the accredited program of social work;


the date of the applicant's expected completion of the requirements of a degree; and


that the person will complete a major in social work.

Subp. 2a.

Approval of application for licensure.


An applicant has the burden of proving that the applicant has satisfied all requirements for licensure.


If an applicant obtains a passing score on the appropriate licensing examination, and if the applicant has met all other requirements for licensure, including that the applicant has not engaged in any conduct warranting disciplinary action against a licensee, the board shall notify the applicant that the applicant's application for licensure has been approved. The board shall also notify the applicant of the license fee, as specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 148B.226, which must be paid to the board before the board may issue a license to the applicant.


The applicant must pay the correct license fee within 60 days of the date of the board's notice that the application for licensure has been approved. If the board does not receive the correct license fee within 60 days, the application for licensure is void. To obtain licensure, the applicant shall submit a new application for licensure and the appropriate fee and demonstrate that the applicant has met all other requirements for licensure.

Subp. 2b.

Ineligible for licensure.

An applicant without a baccalaureate or a master's degree from an accredited program of social work or a doctoral degree in social work shall be ineligible for licensure, and the applicant's application for licensure shall be void. The board's voiding the application is not subject to judicial review.

Subp. 2c.

Denial of application for licensure.

If the board determines that an applicant has not met the licensing requirements, the board shall deny the applicant's application for licensure. An applicant who fails the licensing examination may reapply for licensure and retake the licensing examination in a time and manner specified by the board. An applicant whose application for licensure is denied on the basis of having engaged in conduct warranting disciplinary action against a licensee shall not reapply for one year from the date of the denial of the application unless a different time period is specified by the board.

Subp. 2d.

Passing score on licensing examination.

A passing score on the licensing examination shall be accepted by the board for eight years from the date of the licensing examination.

Subp. 3.

Verification of information; voiding an application.

An applicant, by submitting an application, authorizes the board to investigate the applicant's background, including the information provided as part of the application process. The board may request that the applicant provide additional information, verification, or documentation to aid in the board's review of the application. If an applicant does not provide the additional information, verification, or documentation in the manner and time directed by the board, the application shall be void. The applicant may reapply by submitting the application materials required under this part, including payment of the application fee.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 148B.17; 148B.20 to 148B.23; 214.06


15 SR 1699; 23 SR 1382; L 2003 c 111 s 14

Published Electronically:

October 10, 2013

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes