For the purposes of this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the meanings given.
"Advertising" means a communication or any method by which the applicant or licensee makes a statement or representation concerning the applicant or licensee's licensure, qualifications, or credentials, or the nature of social work services offered. Advertising includes, but is not limited to, solicitations, business cards, letters, signs, or devices issued or offered to a person; in a sign or marking in or on a building; in a newspaper, magazine, or other print media; or via the Internet or other live or recorded electronic media.
"Alternative verification of supervised practice" means evidence satisfactory to the board that an applicant cannot locate a former supervisor and which provides verification of supervised practice.
"Clinical social work" means social work practice that corresponds to the scope of social work practice defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 148B.18, subdivision 11, paragraph (c).
"Continuing education" means a program or activity that meets the requirements of part 8740.0285.
"Council on Social Work Education" means the national accreditation body for social work education recognized by the United States Department of Education and the National Commission on Accreditation.
"Face-to-face supervision" means a direct, interactive, live exchange, either in person, by telephone, or by audio or audiovisual electronic device in either individual supervision or group supervision.
"Group supervision" means one supervisor and more than one supervisee or one supervisor and at least one supervisee and other health professionals in related professions in face-to-face supervision. Group supervision is facilitated by the supervisor and involves an exchange among all group members. The size of any group shall be limited to seven, including the supervisor.
"Individual supervision" means one supervisor and one supervisee in face-to-face supervision.
"Legal representative" means a legal guardian; parent of a minor, as defined by law; or other person with the express legal authority to act for or on behalf of the client.
"Licensing examination" means the examination provided by the American Association of State Social Work Boards, or a comparable examination as determined by the board.
"Qualified professional" means an individual who has the authority to direct the supervisee's practice and has the ability to provide supervision in accordance with the requirements of part 8740.0130, including, but not limited to, an agency director, a school principal, or a nursing home administrator whom the board accepts as appropriate when a supervisor is unobtainable.
"Supervisee" means an applicant or licensee who is engaged in social work practice as permitted by Minnesota Statutes, chapter 148B, or the laws of another jurisdiction under the supervision of a supervisor for the purpose of meeting the requirements under part 8740.0130.
"Supervision" means the professional relationship between a supervisor and a supervisee in which the supervisor provides evaluation of and direction over the supervisee's practice, for the purpose of the supervisee's professional development, in accordance with the requirements of part 8740.0130.
"Supervisor" means a licensee, a person practicing social work without a license as permitted by Minnesota Statutes, section 148B.28, or the laws of another jurisdiction, or a qualified professional or a qualified mental health professional who is authorized under part 8740.0130 to provide supervision to a supervisee.
"Verification of supervised practice" means a written confirmation by the supervisee's supervisor, in a form specified by the board, of the number of hours of supervision, the number of social work practice hours completed under supervision, and the type and frequency of supervision. The supervisor shall also address the supervisee's performance, competence, and adherence to the standards of practice and ethical conduct, and address whether the position description submitted by the supervisee is an accurate description of the supervisee's social work practice. In addition, a supervisor verifying a supervisee's practice of clinical social work shall provide a detailed description of the supervisee's practice.
15 SR 1699; 23 SR 1382
September 24, 2003
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes