A person who holds a life license; a current nonvocational entrance, professional, or nonrenewable license; or a current entrance or continuing secondary vocational license based on a degree program in agriculture education, business education, consumer homemaking and family life education, industrial education, or marketing education granted by the Board of Teaching may apply for an additional field of licensure upon meeting the rule requirements for the licensure field and level. A person who holds only a Board of Teaching license as an educational speech-language pathologist, school nurse, school psychologist, school social worker, or school counselor, or a secondary vocational license other than one based on a degree program in agriculture education, business education, consumer homemaking and family life education, industrial education, or marketing education must meet the rule requirements for the licensure field and level and part 8710.2000.
A person may apply for licensure in a middle level academic specialty upon meeting the requirements of part 8710.3300 provided that the applicant holds one or more of the following classroom teaching licenses issued by the Board of Teaching: a life license; a current nonvocational entrance, professional, or nonrenewable license; or a current entrance or continuing secondary vocational license based on a degree program in agriculture education, business education, consumer homemaking and family life education, industrial education, or marketing education.
Until June 30, 2005, an applicant holding a current entrance or professional elementary teaching license first granted by the Board of Teaching prior to September 1, 2001, shall be granted kindergarten licensure upon submitting evidence of having completed requirements for methods of kindergarten education in a state-approved teacher preparation program at a college or university that is accredited by the regional association for the accreditation of colleges and secondary schools and a recommendation for kindergarten licensure from that college or university.
On or before August 31, 2001, the Board of Teaching shall waive the teaching experience requirement for all applicants for licensure as teachers of reading.
25 SR 805
November 19, 2009
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes