Standard 1. The unit must ensure each program has a clear and consistent conceptual framework threaded throughout the program that is research-based, results-oriented, and focused on the skills teachers need to be effective.
Standard 2. The unit must ensure each program provides effective instruction on:
lesson planning, including the use of Minnesota academic standards, or, if unavailable, national discipline-specific standards;
the knowledge and skills needed to provide appropriate instruction to multilingual learners to support and accelerate academic literacy, including oral academic language and achievement in content areas in a regular classroom setting;
the knowledge and skills needed to implement culturally responsive teaching and instructional strategies, including incorporating opportunities for candidates to learn about the role of teachers to disrupt patterns and systems of racism, privilege, and oppression;
research-based practices in reading that enable the candidate to teach reading in the candidate's licensure field;
using a student's native language as a resource in creating effective differentiated instructional strategies for multilingual learners developing literacy skills; and
the knowledge and skills needed to engage students with technology and deliver digital and blended learning curricula.
Standard 3. The unit must implement an assessment system with a process for annually collecting and reviewing data from:
Standard 4. The unit's assessment system must include a process to engage its stakeholders, including candidates, program completers, school partners, teacher educators, and representatives from the community to:
provide feedback and recommendations on unit-wide strengths and areas of improvement, which can include program-specific feedback and recommendations; and
provide feedback and recommendations on long-term plans specific to the unit's program offerings.
Standard 5. The unit must implement a formal process for using the assessment system and stakeholder feedback to inform unit and program improvement.
Standard 6. The unit must have at least one designated school partnership with a school or district that works collaboratively to align theory and practice and that meets the standards in this subpart. The unit may have additional partnerships with districts or schools to place candidates in clinical experiences according to the standards in subpart 3.
Standard 7. For the purpose of continuous improvement and shared accountability, the unit and designated school partner must maintain an agreement that addresses:
the type of student data that the designated school partner is authorized and willing to share with the candidate and unit regarding student achievement and progress under Minnesota Statutes, section 13.05, subdivision 7;
the type of aggregated candidate data that the unit will share with the designated school partner regarding candidate efficacy and survey data under Minnesota Statutes, section 13.05, subdivision 7; and
how the unit will solicit feedback and recommendations from candidates, supervisors, and cooperating teachers about clinical experiences with the designated school partner.
Standard 8. The unit must meet a minimum of two times per year with the designated school partner. The unit must engage in ongoing collaboration with the designated partner to:
evaluate the effectiveness of the partnership to meet mutually beneficial short-term and long-term goals; and
engage in decision-making processes regarding changes to design and implementation of teacher preparation programs.
Standard 9. The unit and each school partner must maintain an agreement that addresses:
the grounds for removing a candidate from a clinical experience and the process for removal; and
Standard 10. The unit must collaborate with each school partner to ensure that:
each cooperating teacher receives training that addresses the cooperating teacher's role, program expectations, candidate assessments, procedures, and timelines.
Standard 11. For candidates seeking an initial professional license, the unit must:
provide a minimum of 100 field experience hours prior to student teaching that includes:
at least 60 field experience hours that are aligned to the scope and content of the licensure field sought;
experience with students who differ in race, ethnicity, home language, and socioeconomic status; and
experience with students with a range of exceptionalities, including students on an individualized education plan; and
provide a minimum of 12 full-time weeks, or the equivalent number of weeks where the candidate is participating in at least 80 percent of the contracted school week, of face-to-face student teaching that:
is split into no more than two placements where each placement is with a continuous group of students and for continuous weeks in alignment with the school calendar and day;
includes ongoing observations with actionable feedback to ensure growth and attainment of standards with a minimum of four observations conducted by the cooperating teacher;
includes ongoing observations with actionable feedback to ensure growth and attainment of standards with a minimum of four observations conducted by the supervisor;
includes a minimum of three triad meetings with the cooperating teacher, the supervisor, and the candidate for clear and consistent communication; and
Standard 12. For candidates seeking more than one professional license, the unit must:
provide a minimum of 100 field experience hours prior to student teaching that include:
at least 30 field experience hours that are aligned to the scope and content of each license and endorsement sought;
experience with students who differ in race, ethnicity, home language, and socioeconomic status; and
experience with students with a range of exceptionalities, including students on an individualized education plan; and
provide a minimum of 14 full-time weeks, or the equivalent number of weeks where the candidate is participating in at least 80 percent of the contracted school week, of face-to-face student teaching that:
is split into no more than two placements, where each placement is a minimum of two weeks or the equivalent, with a continuous group of students and for continuous weeks in alignment with the school calendar and day;
includes observations with actionable feedback to ensure growth and attainment of standards with a minimum of five observations, with at least one observation per placement, conducted by the cooperating teacher;
includes observations with actionable feedback to ensure growth and attainment of standards with a minimum of five observations, with at least one observation per placement, conducted by the supervisor;
includes a minimum of four triad meetings, with at least one triad meeting per placement with the cooperating teacher, the supervisor, and the candidate; and
Standard 13. For candidates who have completed licensure via portfolio or a state-approved initial licensure teacher preparation program, and are seeking an additional license or endorsement, the unit must:
have a documented process for evaluating a candidate's prior clinical experiences and teaching experiences including:
experience with students who differ in race, ethnicity, home language, and socioeconomic status; and
experience with students with a range of exceptionalities, including students on an individualized education plan; and
design a practicum experience that addresses any gaps in prior experience listed in subitem (1) and that:
provides observations with actionable feedback to ensure growth and attainment of standards with a minimum of two observations by the cooperating teacher;
provides observations with actionable feedback to ensure growth and attainment of standards with a minimum of two observations by the supervisor;
includes a minimum of one triad meeting with the cooperating teacher, the supervisor, and the candidate for clear and consistent communication; and
Standard 14. For a candidate working as a teacher of record while completing a teacher preparation program to obtain an initial professional license, the unit must ensure:
a cooperating teacher holding a professional license in the licensure area sought is available to work with the candidate throughout the course of the student teaching experience; and
a cooperating teacher holding a professional license aligned to the licensure area or scope of the license sought is available in the school to work with the candidate to model effective practices and provide feedback throughout the course of the student teaching experience.
Standard 15. The unit must ensure each supervisor:
is qualified by one of the following:
holding or having held a professional license aligned to the licensure field or scope of the license sought by the candidate and at least three years of experience as a teacher of record; or
being a current or former E-12 administrator with documented experience in teacher evaluation;
Standard 16. The unit must implement effective strategies to recruit, retain, and increase the percentage of candidates who:
are of color or indigenous in proportion to either regional or state K-12 student demographic ratios.
Standard 17. The unit must maintain accurate records of candidate progress through the program, including applicable learning opportunities and coursework, clinical experiences, and all program requirements.
Standard 18. The unit must make available to candidates, online or in print, the following information:
a description of the state requirements for licensure, including information about the completion of a board-adopted performance assessment;
the unit's procedures for receiving and responding to complaints and grievances from candidates;
the unit's policy for substituting program requirements for prior learning experiences, coursework, teaching experience, and credit by examination. The policy must make clear that the unit will not substitute prior experience for student teaching requirements in Standard 11, item C, subitem (2), and Standard 12, item D, subitem (2);
Standard 19. The unit must monitor each candidate's attainment of content and pedagogical knowledge and skills as required by parts 8710.2000 to 8710.8080, enactment of unit-determined professional dispositions, and progress toward completing the program by assessing each candidate:
at a minimum of three identified checkpoints, including at entry, midpoint through the program, and at exit; and
Standard 20. The unit must provide each candidate with individualized advising, which includes:
prior to student teaching or practicum, discussing the candidate's attainment of content and pedagogical knowledge and skills as required by parts 8710.2000 to 8710.8080, enactment of professional dispositions, and progress toward completing the program;
counseling a candidate out of the program who is failing to evidence the necessary content and pedagogical knowledge and skills or professional dispositions to be an effective teacher; and
Standard 21. The unit must ensure each candidate, prior to completing an initial licensure program, completes a board-adopted teacher performance assessment if an assessment exists that is aligned with the license sought.
Standard 22. The unit must implement effective strategies to recruit, retain, and increase the percentage of teacher educators who are of color or indigenous in proportion to either regional or state K-12 student demographic ratios.
Standard 23. The unit must ensure each teacher educator is able to show expertise for teaching assignments through documentation of one of the following:
the individual holds a master's degree or higher in any field and:
has completed a dissertation or published peer-reviewed research in the teacher educator's area of instruction;
the individual:
has completed a state-approved teacher preparation program.
At least one of the components listed in units (a) to (c) must align to the content area of instruction;
for teacher educators of career and technical education or the visual or performing arts, a bachelor's degree in any field and at least five years of relevant professional work experience aligned to the teacher educator's area of instruction; or
the individual holds a bachelor's degree or higher in any field and provides evidence of the individual's background and experience to the board that demonstrates essential equivalency of necessary pedagogical and content standard proficiency. Examples of background and experience include but are not limited to previous work experiences, teaching experiences, educator evaluations, industry-recognized certifications, and national board certification.
Standard 24. The unit must ensure each teacher educator of field-specific methods instruction, including reading methods, is able to show expertise for teaching assignments through documentation of one of the following:
the individual:
holds a master's degree or higher in any field and:
has completed a dissertation or published peer-reviewed research in the teacher educator's area of instruction; or
has completed a state-approved teacher preparation program aligned to the content area of instruction; and
has three years of experience as a teacher of record, including at least one year aligned to the scope and content area of instruction;
the individual:
has seven years of experience as a teacher of record, including at least three years aligned to the scope and content area of instruction.
At least one of the components listed in units (a) and (b) must align to the content area of instruction;
for teacher educators of field-specific methods in career and technical education or the visual and performing arts, the individual:
holds a bachelor's degree in any field and:
the individual has at least five years of relevant professional work experience aligned to the teacher educator's content area of instruction; or
the individual has completed a state-approved teacher preparation program aligned to the content area of instruction; and
has seven years of experience as a teacher of record, including at least three aligned to the scope and content area of instruction; or
the individual holds a bachelor's degree or higher in any field and provides evidence of the individual's background and experience to the board that demonstrates essential equivalency of necessary pedagogical and content standard proficiency. Examples of background and experience include but are not limited to previous work experiences, teaching experiences, educator evaluations, industry-recognized certifications, and national board certification.
Standard 25. The unit must monitor and assess each teacher educator's effectiveness as an instructor at least once every three years, including using observations and candidate feedback, unless prohibited by an employment agreement.
Standard 26. The unit must require and document for each teacher educator:
completion of ongoing professional development opportunities related to the teacher educator's area of instruction focusing on research-based best practices;
completion of 30 hours in a three-year period of professional involvement in an early childhood, elementary, or secondary school setting aligned to the area of instruction that must include at least one of the following: teaching, tutoring, supervising candidates in the field, completing observations, school-level consulting, or engaging with a professional learning community; and
completion of periodic orientation on requirements in chapters 8705 and 8710 and Minnesota Statutes, chapter 122A.
Standard 27. The unit must:
meet the applicable requirements in this chapter, chapter 8710, and Minnesota Statutes, chapter 122A;
ensure information submitted to the board as part of the unit approval process and program approval process is not misleading, false, or fraudulent;
maintain an assessment system that enables storing, tracking, and reporting to meet state and federal annual data submission requirements.
Standard 28. The unit must designate a leader responsible for:
communicating with the board, including notifying the board of changes to approved programs through the program reporting process and submitting licensure program proposal applications and program effectiveness reports.
Standard 29. The unit must have financial, human, and physical resources to maintain licensure programs, support teacher educators, provide administrative support, and meet all unit and program standards, including the ability to collect and analyze data for continuous improvement.
Standard 30. For a school counseling program approved by the board, the unit must demonstrate compliance with all applicable entry-level Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Program (CACREP) standards for a school counseling program including:
45 SR 1159
November 10, 2021
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes