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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


If originals of books, documents, records, or other papers have been received in evidence, a copy of them, or of so many of them as may be material or relevant, may in the discretion of the court be substituted. Copies of documents will be admitted as evidence under the Rules of Evidence.

Originals of books, documents, records, diagrams, or other exhibits introduced in evidence before the court may be withdrawn from the custody of the court in the manner and upon the terms the court in its discretion prescribes.

An original and one copy of all exhibits must be furnished to the court, and a copy must be furnished to opposing counsel or the opposing party if the party is pro se.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 271.06


21 SR 805

Published Electronically:

May 13, 1997

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes