Each plan must contain specific goal statements and corresponding policies relating to the overall purposes specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 103B.201. The goals and policies of the watershed management organization shall attempt to avoid conflict with county, regional, or state goals and policies. The goals must be outlined in sufficient detail to provide direction regarding what the policies should accomplish, provide direction to the organization's board, and allow for the success or failure of the goals and policies to be quantified. The goals and policies should recognize the fundamental relationship between water quality and land use. Development of goals and policies must, at a minimum, address the issues in subparts 2 to 9.
Each plan must outline goals and policies describing how storm water runoff will be managed. The maximum allowable peak runoff must be established for appropriate subwatersheds to the extent necessary to assure that the goals and policies of the organization will be met and address how runoff from developments creating more than one acre of new impervious surface will be managed with respect to Minnesota Statutes, section 103B.3365. The plan must describe the criteria used for defining "appropriate subwatersheds."
Each plan must outline specific water quality goals and policies for natural surface water storage and retention systems within the organization. Goals should be related to parameters or quantities that can be measured. The relationship of land use to water quality should be considered when developing goals and policies. The goals and policies should be developed to strive for compliance with applicable water quality standards and be suitable for the intended uses of natural surface water storage and retention systems.
Each plan must outline how water resource based recreational activities and wildlife interests will be protected or improved through the implementation of the plan. In consideration of these issues, the plan must determine whether there is a need to classify or prioritize individual water resources for management purposes.
Each plan must outline goals and policies describing who will participate and when public participation will be encouraged. Goals and policies must at least address the creation and purposes of advisory committees and public information programs.
If public ditch systems constructed under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 103D or 103E, are within the organization, the plan shall by policy define the organization's relationship to the ditch authority and recommend whether or not there are advantages to managing the ditch systems under the Metropolitan Water Management Act and determine whether ditch maintenance activities have the potential of adversely impacting any goal of the organization.
If a county groundwater plan has not commenced at the time the plan or plan amendment is initiated, the organization shall assess the need and degree of involvement the organization has in groundwater management and establish appropriate goals and policies.
Each plan must outline specific goals and policies regarding the management of wetlands within the organization and identify high priority areas for wetland preservation, restoration, and establishment. Wetland management goals and policies should address utilization, protection and preservation, and the enhancement or restoration of wetlands identified in the organization. Each plan must also evaluate the need to establish a wetland banking system.
Each plan must identify specific goals and policies that will control soil erosion consistent with the goals and policies outlined in this part.
17 SR 146
October 13, 1997
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes