Every public or private person or entity shall accept the designated address as the true address of the program participant. Presentation of the Safe at Home card creates a rebuttable presumption that the individual listed on the card is a program participant. A program participant is not required to respond to any question a public or private person puts to the program participant about the details or circumstances of the person's inclusion in the program. The public or private person or entity may contact the secretary of state for information on the program.
The program participant, and not the secretary of state, is responsible for requesting the use of the designated address by any public or private person or entity as the address of the program participant.
The secretary of state is the agent for receipt of all mail sent by public and private persons and entities to the program participants at the designated address.
All mail specifically addressed to the program participant at the designated address must be forwarded at least every second business day to the participant at the participant's mailing address. Envelopes containing the mail being forwarded must be marked "Return Service Requested." The secretary of state is not required to forward mail if the mail is not specifically addressed to a program participant.
The secretary of state may hold a participant's mail for up to three days upon request of the program participant. The secretary of state may hold a participant's mail for up to a total of three weeks if the participant has sent a signed, written mail hold request to the secretary of state that includes a statement that the participant understands that the participant is personally responsible for any consequences of the delay in mail delivery, and a telephone number at which the participant can be reached. Upon receipt of a written request, the secretary of state must compare the signature of the program participant or applicant on the request with the signature on the original application and conclude that the signatures are the same. The mail hold is effective the date the secretary of state receives the request, unless the participant has indicated an alternate effective date.
In cases in which a public or private person or entity must under federal law obtain a program participant's actual address, the program participant must provide the program participant's actual address, in addition to the designated address.
For those services delivered to an actual address or tied to residency in a particular jurisdiction, the public or private person must request only that portion of the actual address required in order to provide those services, in addition to the designated address.
A program participant who is subject to criminal justice system management must, upon request, supply the program participant's actual address to the participant's supervising person, in addition to the designated address.
In cases in which all or part of the actual address has been disclosed pursuant to item A, B, or C, the designated address must be used as the address of the program participant by the public or private person or entity for all purposes where the actual address is not specifically required.
The secretary of state, upon request of the public or private person, shall suggest measures that shall assist in protecting the actual address and the program participant's name against disclosure in any way. Measures may include, but are not limited to, assigning a pseudonym to the program participant; suppressing the program participant's name on records; keeping the actual address in the program participant's paper file, but not entering it into a database; and making the records password protected and limiting access to them to a small pool of staff.
The secretary of state shall be available at all times to fulfill the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 5B.07, subdivision 2, in exigent circumstances.
MS s 5B.08
34 SR 819
December 14, 2009
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes