Part | Title |
8200.0400 | [Repealed, 20 SR 2787] |
8200.0700 | [Repealed, 20 SR 2787] |
8200.0800 | [Repealed, 40 SR 1553] |
8200.1300 | [Repealed, 12 SR 2215] |
8200.1400 | [Repealed, 20 SR 2787] |
8200.1500 | [Repealed, 20 SR 2787] |
8200.1600 | [Repealed, 12 SR 2215] |
8200.2100 | DUTIES OF AUDITOR. |
8200.2300 | [Repealed, 10 SR 1690] |
8200.2800 | [Repealed, 29 SR 155] |
8200.3200 | [Repealed, 20 SR 2787] |
8200.3300 | [Repealed, 20 SR 2787] |
8200.3400 | [Repealed, 20 SR 2787] |
8200.3600 | CHANGE OF RESIDENCE. |
8200.3800 | EMERGENCY VOTING. |
8200.5700 | [Repealed, 29 SR 155] |
8200.5800 | POSTERS. |
8200.6300 | [Repealed, 25 SR 616] |
8200.8100 | [Repealed, 8 SR 1348] |
8200.8200 | [Repealed, 8 SR 1348] |
8200.8300 | [Repealed, 8 SR 1348] |
8200.9100 | [Repealed, 20 SR 2787] |
8200.9200 | [Repealed, 20 SR 2787] |
8200.9910 | [Repealed, 20 SR 2787] |
8200.9916 | [Repealed, 12 SR 2215] |
8200.9919 | [Repealed, 20 SR 2787] |
8200.9922 | [Repealed, 12 SR 2215] |
8200.9925 | [Repealed, 12 SR 2215] |
8200.9939 | FORM OF OATH, SPECIFIED BY PART 8200.5100. |
8200.9953 | [Repealed, 20 SR 2787] |
The county auditor may delegate to municipal officials all duties assigned to the county auditor by chapter 8200 and by Minnesota Statutes, chapter 201, except the preparation and distribution of lists of registered voters. The auditor may delegate the responsibility to accept voter registration applications, but a delegation of this responsibility does not relieve the auditor of the duty to accept voter registration applications.
12 SR 2215; 25 SR 616; 29 SR 155
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 20 SR 2787]
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 20 SR 2787]
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 40 SR 1553]
June 15, 2016
Voter registration applications printed for the purpose of distribution and mailing may be printed pursuant to items A to D.
The secretary of state may approve alternate forms of voter registration applications to be attached to or included in tax booklets and forms used by state agencies, and other forms deemed appropriate by the secretary of state if the forms have spaces for the information required in Minnesota Statutes, section 201.071. The secretary of state may approve the county use of an application with dimensions other than those prescribed in item A.
The stub must have an adhesive applied to it so that the application can be sealed when it is folded together for mailing.
Paper voter registration applications for use at county auditor offices or at polling places on election day must be printed pursuant to items A to D.
The secretary of state may approve the county use of an application with dimensions other than those prescribed in item A.
8 SR 1348; 12 SR 2215; 20 SR 2787; 25 SR 616; 29 SR 155; 31 SR 350; 32 SR 2055; 40 SR 1553; 43 SR 437
October 15, 2018
Any voter registration application must:
be consistent in layout with the data entry screens used by the statewide voter registration system;
if produced under part 8200.1100, subpart 1, provide room for including a mailing address for returning the completed registration;
include on or with the application a statement that assistance for registration and voting is available for elderly and disabled persons and residents of health care facilities;
The secretary of state shall provide examples of the voter registration application to all county auditors.
Paper voter registration applications must contain a box marked for "election judge official use only" which contains "W __", "P __", and "SD." These abbreviations stand for "ward," "precinct," and "school district." Other information may also be included. Judges of election shall record the type of election day voter registration proof and its number, if any, in the "election judge official use only" box.
Paper voter registration applications may include a mark identifying where the applicant obtained the application or how the application was delivered to the county auditor or secretary of state.
8 SR 1348; 12 SR 2215; 20 SR 2787; 23 SR 459; 25 SR 616; 29 SR 155; 31 SR 350; 32 SR 2055; 40 SR 1553
June 15, 2016
[Repealed, 12 SR 2215]
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 20 SR 2787]
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 20 SR 2787]
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 12 SR 2215]
May 22, 2008
Each county auditor shall have printed and shall maintain an adequate number of voter registration applications in compliance with this chapter and Minnesota Statutes, chapter 201. An election official who causes voter registration applications to be printed shall print the applications in a form prescribed by this chapter and Minnesota Statutes, chapter 201. The auditor shall provide voter registration applications to any person or group who requests a reasonable number of applications for the purpose of distribution.
12 SR 2215; 20 SR 2787; 29 SR 155; 31 SR 350
May 22, 2008
The secretary of state may provide for the experimental use of alternate forms on a trial basis.
MS s 201.221
8 SR 1348
May 22, 2008
Each county auditor shall designate a number of public buildings within the county where persons may obtain, complete, and deposit registration applications. The county auditor or a designee shall be on duty in the designated building and the person on duty shall transmit completed registration applications to the county auditor within two working days after receipt.
12 SR 2215; 20 SR 2787; 29 SR 155
May 22, 2008
Each political subdivision shall have at least one building where voter registration applications may be obtained and deposited.
12 SR 2215; 20 SR 2787; 29 SR 155; 38 SR 1368
May 1, 2014
[Repealed, 10 SR 1690]
May 22, 2008
For purposes of section 303(a)(5)(A)(i) of the Help America Vote Act of 2002, Public Law 107-552, "accepted or processed" means that the determination has been made that the voter registration application is not deficient and the registration status of the voter is "active" or "challenged."
MS s 14.388
29 SR 155
May 22, 2008
If a county auditor determines that a registration application or a name or address change to registration has been completed, the auditor shall file the application or name or address change to registration and enter the registration or name or address change to registration on the state registration system. The county auditor shall file and maintain each voter registration application in an orderly manner. The county auditor shall have a notice mailed to each newly registered voter and to each voter who changed name or address information indicating the voter's name, address, precinct, and polling place. The notice must require that it be returned if not deliverable as addressed.
12 SR 2215; 25 SR 616; 29 SR 155
May 22, 2008
Following each election in which voters register on election day, the county auditor shall send a mailed notice of registration to a random sample of three percent of the election day registrants within ten days of the election. This rule shall not relieve the county auditor of the responsibility to send a mailed notice to all registrants.
MS s 201.221
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 29 SR 155]
May 22, 2008
When a person attempts to register prior to election day and the county auditor determines that the registration is deficient, the auditor shall notify the person attempting to register that the registration was not correctly completed. The auditor shall attempt to obtain from the applicant any needed information by mail or, if a telephone number or an e-mail address was provided by the applicant, by telephone or e-mail.
If the needed information consists of the applicant's Minnesota driver's license, Minnesota state identification card, or Social Security number, or confirmation that the applicant has not been issued a Minnesota driver's license, Minnesota state identification card, or Social Security number, the auditor shall also attempt to obtain that information through the process provided in part 8200.9310, subpart 2.
If the auditor cannot obtain the needed information, the voter registration application is deficient and shall be maintained separately for 22 months.
A new applicant whose voter registration application is deficient shall not be classified as "active" or "challenged."
If an applicant submits a voter registration application that is deficient, the county auditor shall send a notice of deficient registration to the person seeking to register.
If the auditor notifies an applicant of a deficient voter registration application, the auditor shall also notify the applicant of the dates on which a preelection registration is not permitted by Minnesota Statutes, section 201.061, subdivision 1, and of the procedures for election day registration.
In the notice to the applicant, the auditor shall explain that a registration received by the auditor during the period when preelection registration is not permitted by Minnesota Statutes, section 201.061, subdivision 1, means the applicant will be registered to vote on the day after the upcoming election unless the applicant registers to vote on election day.
If an applicant submits a deficient voter registration application during the period when preelection registration is not permitted by Minnesota Statutes, section 201.061, subdivision 1, the auditor shall notify the applicant that the applicant must register at the polling place of the precinct in which she or he resides on election day to vote at the election.
The secretary of state shall provide a sample notice of deficient registration.
17 SR 1279; 23 SR 459; 25 SR 616; 29 SR 155; 38 SR 1368
May 1, 2014
A person having a residence with a street address who completes a voter registration application must provide the street address assigned to the person's residence in the residence space on the voter registration application. Only when the United States Postal Service will not deliver mail to the registrant's residence address, the registrant must also enter an alternate mailing address on the voter registration application.
23 SR 459; 25 SR 616; 29 SR 155
May 22, 2008
When a county auditor receives a voter registration application from a person whose address is in another county, the auditor shall within two working days forward the application to the auditor of the proper county if the county can be ascertained.
25 SR 616; 29 SR 155
May 22, 2008
If an applicant submits a voter registration application that is incomplete as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 201.061, subdivision 1a, the auditor shall send a notice of incomplete registration. The notice sent to the applicant must:
inform the applicant that to complete the registration, the applicant must present documents or take actions prior to voting;
explain the applicant's options for completing the registration prior to 20 days before the election or at the polls on election day as set forth in Minnesota Statutes, section 201.061, subdivision 1a;
explain the methods by which the applicant can register to vote on election day if the applicant is unable to complete the registration by any of the options described in subitem (3).
If an applicant submits a voter registration application that is incomplete as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 201.121, subdivision 1, paragraph (f), the auditor shall record in the voter registration system that the registration is incomplete under that section and send the applicant a notice of incomplete registration advising the voter that the voter needs to:
provide information that completes the registration to the registration office or contact that office prior to 20 days before the election; or
provide the information to the election judges on election day for entry on the roster.
The secretary of state shall provide a sample notice of incomplete registration. The applicant must be allowed to vote only after completing the registration or after registering or updating their registration using current information for the applicant.
After an election, the auditor shall compile a list of voters who voted who were not verified by election day. The auditor shall verify the records in the manner described in part 8200.5500 for registrations received on election day.
If a voter provides the necessary information and votes without updating their registration or registering on election day to correct information listed on the roster, the county auditor shall send that person a postal verification card as if the voter had registered on election day.
If that postal verification card is returned to the county auditor, the auditor shall challenge the status on the voter record and may refer the registration to the county attorney.
23 SR 403; 23 SR 459; 25 SR 616; 29 SR 155
May 22, 2008
If an applicant submits a voter registration application that is not deficient but that is filed during the period when preelection registration is not permitted by Minnesota Statutes, section 201.061, subdivision 1, the auditor shall send a notice of late registration to the person seeking to register. The notice of late registration must require that it be returned if not deliverable and must explain that if the applicant chooses not to register and vote at the upcoming election, the applicant's registration will become effective on the day after the election.
MS s 14.388
29 SR 155
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 20 SR 2787]
Pursuant to section 303(b)(3)(C) of the Help America Vote Act of 2002, Public Law 107-252, persons who are voting by absentee ballot or otherwise than in person pursuant to the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act, or any other federal law are exempt from Minnesota Statutes, section 201.061, subdivision 1a.
29 SR 155; 38 SR 1368
May 1, 2014
[Repealed, 20 SR 2787]
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 20 SR 2787]
May 22, 2008
Ineligible applicants shall be notified of the reasons for their ineligibility and their cards maintained separately by the auditor for 22 months.
MS s 201.221
25 SR 616
May 22, 2008
The county auditor shall mail a notice indicating the person's name, address, precinct, and polling place to any registered voter whose civil rights have been restored after a felony conviction; who has been removed from under a guardianship of the person under which the person did not retain the right to vote; or who has been restored to capacity by the court after being ineligible to vote. The notice must require that it be returned if not deliverable.
23 SR 459; 29 SR 155
May 22, 2008
A person who has previously registered to vote in Minnesota who changes residence must be permitted to vote only after the person's registration has been updated to the person's new residence address.
17 SR 1279; 29 SR 155; 38 SR 1368
May 1, 2014
If a voter registration application is to be removed from the registration files, except that of a deceased person or that of a voter who has reregistered in another state, the county auditor may notify the person whose application is to be removed of the removal and the reason for the removal in writing. The applications removed must be maintained in separate files for 22 months.
12 SR 2215; 25 SR 616; 29 SR 155; 31 SR 350
May 22, 2008
If a voter who has registered prior to an election day is challenged because the voter's name does not appear on the polling place roster of the precinct in which the voter desires to vote, the voter may register on that election day by following the election day registration procedures in parts 8200.1100 to 8200.9300 and 8220.0300 to 8220.4800. Or, if it appears upon examination that the voter's name was erroneously omitted from the roster, the voter must be permitted to vote in the precinct after completing the required name and address information and signing the oath on the polling place roster. The judges shall note on the list that the voter was permitted to vote pursuant to instructions from the county auditor and two judges shall initial the entry.
12 SR 2215; 20 SR 2787
May 22, 2008
All county auditors shall accept voter registration applications on forms prescribed by the Federal Election Commission as provided by the National Voter Registration Act if the application is from a person eligible to vote in Minnesota, and includes whether the person is a United States citizen and will be 18 years old on or before election day, the applicant's name, address in Minnesota, previous address (if any), date of birth, current and valid Minnesota driver's license or Minnesota state identification card number, or, if the applicant has no current and valid Minnesota driver's license or Minnesota state identification card, the last four digits of the applicant's Social Security number if the applicant has been issued a Social Security number, the applicant's signature, and the date of registration. The application must be treated by the county auditor in the same manner as a Minnesota voter registration application.
19 SR 593; 29 SR 155
May 22, 2008
Any federal post card application received from a member of the armed forces of the United States or from a person currently residing in Minnesota but temporarily living in another country must be processed as a voter registration application and, if the application is properly completed, the information on that application must be entered into the statewide voter registration system.
32 SR 2055
May 22, 2008
Any person otherwise qualified but not registered to vote in the precinct in which the person resides may register to vote on election day at the polling place of the precinct in which the person resides. To register on election day, a person must complete and sign the registration application and provide proof of residence. A person may prove residence on election day only:
by presenting:
a valid Minnesota driver's license, learner's permit, or a receipt for either that contains the voter's valid address in the precinct;
a valid Minnesota identification card issued by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety or a receipt for the identification card that contains the voter's valid address in the precinct; or
a tribal identification card issued by the tribal government of a tribe recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, United States Department of the Interior, that contains the name, address, signature, and picture of the individual;
by having a person who is registered to vote in the precinct and knows the applicant is a resident of the precinct sign the oath in part 8200.9939; or
by having an employee employed by and working in a residential facility located in the precinct, who knows that the applicant is a resident of that residential facility, vouch for that facility resident, and sign the oath in part 8200.9939, in the presence of the election judge.
"Residential facility" means transitional housing as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 256E.33, subdivision 1; a supervised living facility licensed by the commissioner of health under Minnesota Statutes, section 144.50, subdivision 6; a nursing home as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 144A.01, subdivision 5; a residence registered with the commissioner of health as a housing with services establishment as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 144D.01, subdivision 4; a veterans home operated by the board of directors of the Minnesota Veterans Homes under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 198; a residence licensed by the commissioner of human services to provide a residential program as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 245A.02, subdivision 14; a residential facility for persons with a developmental disability licensed by the commissioner of human services under Minnesota Statutes, section 252.28; group residential housing as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 256I.03, subdivision 3; a shelter for battered women as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 611A.37, subdivision 4; or a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter or dwelling designed to provide temporary living accommodations for the homeless.
To be eligible to sign the oath, the employee must show proof of employment at the residential facility, which may be accomplished by methods including:
having the employee's name appear on a list of employees provided by the general manager or equivalent officer of the residential facility to the county auditor at least 20 days before the election;
providing a statement on the facility's letterhead that the individual is an employee of the facility that is signed and dated by a manager or equivalent officer of the facility; or
providing an employee identification badge.
The oaths in items D and E must be attached to the voter registration application and retained for at least 22 months.
An eligible voter may prove residence under this subpart by presenting one of the photo identification cards listed in item A and one of the additional proofs of residence listed in item B.
The following documents are acceptable photo identification cards under this subpart if they contain the voter's name and photograph:
a driver's license, a learner's permit, or identification card, issued by the state of Minnesota or any other state of the United States as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 645.44, subdivision 11;
a student identification card issued by a Minnesota secondary or postsecondary educational institution; or
a tribal identification card issued by the tribal government of a tribe recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, United States Department of the Interior, that contains the individual's signature.
The following documents are acceptable additional proofs of residence under this subpart if the documents show the voter's name and current address in the precinct:
an original bill, including account statements and start-of-service notification, for telephone, television, or Internet provider services, regardless of how those telephone, television, or Internet provider services are delivered; gas, electric, solid waste, water, or sewer services; credit card or banking services; or rent or mortgage payments. The due date on the bill must be within 30 days before or after election day, or, for bills without a due date, dated within 30 days before election day. For bills delivered electronically, "original" means a printed copy of the electronic bill or a display of the bill on the voter's portable electronic device;
a residential lease or residential rental agreement if the lease or rental agreement is valid through election day.
An eligible voter may prove residence by presenting a current valid photo identification issued by a postsecondary educational institution in Minnesota if the voter's name, student identification number (if available), and address within the precinct appear on a current residential housing list under Minnesota Statutes, section 135A.17, certified to the county auditor by the postsecondary educational institution.
This additional proof of residence for students must not be allowed unless the postsecondary educational institution submits to the county auditor no later than 60 days prior to the election a written agreement that the postsecondary educational institution will certify for use at the election accurate updated residential housing lists under Minnesota Statutes, section 135A.17. A written agreement is effective for the election and all subsequent elections held in that calendar year, including the November general election.
The additional proof of residence for students must be allowed on an equal basis for voters who reside in housing meeting the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 135A.17, if the residential housing lists certified by the postsecondary educational institution meet the requirements of this part.
An updated residential housing list must be certified to the county auditor no earlier than 20 days prior to each election. The certification must be dated and signed by the chief officer or designee of the postsecondary educational institution and must state that the list is current and accurate and includes only the names of persons residing as of the date of the certification.
The auditor shall instruct the election judges of the precinct in procedures for use of the list in conjunction with photo identification. The auditor shall supply a list to the election judges with the election supplies for the precinct.
The auditor shall notify all postsecondary educational institutions in the county of the provisions of this subpart.
11 SR 218; 12 SR 2215; 20 SR 2787; 23 SR 403; 23 SR 459; 25 SR 616; 31 SR 350; 32 SR 2055; 38 SR 1368; 40 SR 1553
June 15, 2016
No person in a polling place as a challenger, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 204C.07, shall be permitted to swear to the residence of any persons attempting to register on election day. A voter registered in the same precinct, including an election judge, may swear to the residence of any person who the voter knows to be a resident of the precinct. An election judge must swear to a person's residence before another election judge.
MS s 201.221
17 SR 1279
May 22, 2008
One judge may both distribute ballots and register voters during the course of an election day, but one judge shall not perform both functions for the same voter. Persons wishing to register to vote on election day may determine whether they wish to fill out the voter registration application themselves or request the assistance of an election judge. The judges shall confine their questions to information necessary to complete the voter registration application.
29 SR 155
May 22, 2008
When a voter uses a driver's license, learner's permit, or identification card, issued by the state of Minnesota or any other state of the United States as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 645.44, subdivision 11; United States passport; United States military or veteran identification card; tribal identification card; or Minnesota secondary or postsecondary educational institution student identification card to prove residence or identity when registering on election day, the election judge who is registering voters shall record the number, if any, on the voter registration application in the "election judge official use only" area of the application. When a voter uses one of the documents listed in part 8200.5100, subparts 2 and 3 to prove residence for election day registration, the election judge who is registering voters shall record the type of document on the voter registration application in the "election judge official use only" area of the application.
12 SR 2215; 23 SR 403; 23 SR 459; 25 SR 616; 29 SR 155; 32 SR 2055; 38 SR 1368; 40 SR 1553
June 15, 2016
Minnesota driver's license, Minnesota state identification card, or Social Security number information provided as part of an election day registration voter registration application pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 201.061, subdivision 3, is sufficient as defined in section 303(a)(5)(A)(iii) of the Help America Vote Act of 2002, Public Law 107-252, to permit the applicant to vote at the election or an applicant can register as otherwise provided by Minnesota law.
All new voter registration applications and updates of existing voter registrations submitted on election day pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 201.061, subdivision 3, must be verified pursuant to part 8200.9310 and Minnesota Statutes, section 201.121.
If, after matching the information in the statewide voter registration system with the information contained in the Department of Public Safety database or, in the case of an applicant who does not have a Minnesota driver's license or Minnesota identification card, in the database of the Social Security Administration, the accuracy of the information on the voter registration application cannot be verified, the county auditor must investigate and attempt to resolve the discrepancy.
The county auditor must send notices to election day registrants whose information cannot be verified and request that the voters contact the registration office.
If the voter does not provide information that resolves the discrepancy so that the voter registration application can be verified, the county auditor must challenge the voter in the statewide voter registration system and may refer the matter to the county attorney. If during the verification process the Department of Public Safety provides information that indicates that the voter is ineligible to vote, the county auditor must challenge the voter's record in the statewide voter registration system and refer the matter to the county attorney.
25 SR 616; 29 SR 155; 38 SR 1368
May 1, 2014
Election judges who will be registering voters on election day shall receive training on election day voter registration procedures from the county auditor or designated municipal clerk at the same time training is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 204B.25. Note: See chapter 8240.
MS s 204B.25
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 29 SR 155]
May 22, 2008
If on election day an individual wishes to report a deceased voter to an election judge, the individual reporting the deceased voter must complete notification of death of the registered voter in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 201.13. The notification of death must be in substantially the following form:
In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 201.13, I am a registered voter and I have personal knowledge that __________________________ is deceased.
. | ||
Name of Registered Voter | ||
. | . | |
Signature of Registered Voter | Date | |
Deceased's Date of Birth: . | Date of Death: | . |
Deceased's Last Known Address: . |
MS s 201.221
38 SR 1368
May 1, 2014
The county auditor shall supply each polling place with posters furnished to the county by the secretary of state. The election judges shall post the posters in an appropriate location in the polling place prior to opening the polls.
MS s 201.221
May 22, 2008
Persons requesting copies of public information lists shall provide the secretary of state or county auditor with a written request stating the information required by Minnesota Statutes, section 201.091, subdivision 4. The secretary of state may provide forms for these requests.
20 SR 2787
May 22, 2008
The public information list must be available for public inspection for authorized purposes at all times in the county auditor's office. The secretary of state may make available for purchase public information lists in electronic or other media.
20 SR 2787; 29 SR 155; 32 SR 2055
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 25 SR 616]
May 22, 2008
The public information list provided by the secretary of state must contain the information required by Minnesota Statutes, section 201.091, subdivision 4, and must not contain the information in Minnesota Statutes, section 201.091, subdivision 9. The public information list may also include the precinct, ward, congressional district, legislative district, county commissioner district, judicial district, school district, or other identifiers for each election district in which the voter resides. The public information list may be requested in electronic or other media.
15 SR 2308; 25 SR 616; 29 SR 155
May 22, 2008
Persons wishing to challenge a voter's registration pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 201.195 may do so in the form in part 8200.9950.
The petition shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the challenger stating the basis for the challenge on personal knowledge.
MS s 201.221
May 22, 2008
By October 1, county attorneys shall report the outcome of any charging decision based on an investigation of alleged violations of voter registration or voting laws from the previous calendar year to the secretary of state. The report must contain a brief description of the allegation and the outcome of the charging decision. If the county has not completed all investigations of alleged violations of voter registration or voting laws by October 1, the county attorney must provide a summary of any pending investigations of alleged violations of voter registration or voting laws that have not reached a charging decision.
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 13.03, subdivision 4, the data provided to the secretary of state by a county attorney maintains the same data classification as the data maintained at the entity providing the data.
MS s 201.221
43 SR 437
October 15, 2018
[Repealed, 8 SR 1348]
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 8 SR 1348]
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 8 SR 1348]
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 20 SR 2787]
May 22, 2008
The polling place rosters must contain the following items from the statewide registration system: voter's name, voter's address, voter's date of birth, voter's school district number, and a line on which the voter's signature can be written. When a voter's registration has been challenged pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 201.121, subdivision 2, an indicator noting the voter's challenged status must be printed on the line or included in the field provided for the voter's signature. A similar indicator must be printed on the line or included in the field provided for the voter's signature to note a voter's guardianship or felony status, if any.
The following certification must be included at the top of each page of the polling place roster: "I swear or affirm that I am at least 18 years of age and a citizen of the United States; that I reside at the address shown and have resided in Minnesota for 20 days immediately preceding this election; that I am not under guardianship of the person in which the court order revokes my right to vote, have not been found by a court to be legally incompetent to vote, and that I have the right to vote because, if convicted of a felony, my felony sentence has expired (been completed) or I have been discharged from my sentence; and that I am registered and will be voting only in this precinct. I understand that giving false information is a felony punishable by not more than five years imprisonment and a fine of not more than $10,000, or both."
One or more pages in a printed polling place roster must be provided for use by voters who register to vote in the polling place on election day. An election day registrant shall fill in the registrant's name, address, and date of birth and shall sign the roster on the line provided.
The polling place roster must also contain the name of the precinct and, for paper rosters, must include a page number. In addition, each line provided for a voter's signature must be consecutively numbered on each page.
The roster may also include additional material as permitted under Minnesota Statutes, section 201.221, subdivision 3.
The Secretary of State shall identify and develop methods of producing polling place rosters. The Secretary of State shall provide polling place rosters for each election in the state. The rosters provided by the secretary of state must be forwarded to the county auditors in an electronic format specified by the secretary of state. Alternatively, the list provided to the county auditors may be provided in another medium, if a written agreement specifying the medium is signed by the secretary of state and the county auditor at least 90 days before the November general election. A written agreement is effective for all elections until rescinded by either party.
15 SR 2308; 19 SR 593; 25 SR 616; 29 SR 155; 31 SR 350; 32 SR 2055; 40 SR 1553
June 15, 2016
An individual who asks to inspect a polling place roster used on election day must provide the county auditor with identification and a written request stating the information required by Minnesota Statutes, section 201.091, subdivision 4. Before fulfilling the request for inspection, the auditor must conceal the month and day of birth of each person on the roster.
25 SR 616
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 20 SR 2787]
May 22, 2008
A record of any challenge to a voter registration shall be made part of the registration file and shall remain until removed according to law. The word "challenged" shall appear on the same line as or directly above the name of a challenged voter on the polling place roster. A record of any notice affixed to a voter registration application pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 201.145, subdivision 2, shall remain part of the file until removed according to law. The word "guardianship" shall appear on the same line as or directly above the name of the voter on the polling place roster. If any other special notice or information is affixed to a voter registration application, an indication of the notice shall be printed on the polling place roster.
When an absentee return envelope is marked "Accepted" pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 203B.121, subdivision 2, the roster shall be marked pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 203B.121, subdivision 3.
The auditor or clerk is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the polling place roster and for restricting access to the statewide registration system to properly authorized persons. The auditor or clerk shall provide for the transport and security of the polling place roster.
The election judges shall determine the number of ballots to be counted by adding the number of return envelopes from accepted absentee ballots to the number of voter's receipts issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 204C.10, subdivision 2, or to the number of names signed on the polling place roster. The election jurisdiction may require that the election judges number or initial each voter's receipt as it is issued.
8 SR 1348; 20 SR 2787; 29 SR 155; 38 SR 1368
December 19, 2017
The secretary of state shall develop and operate a centralized database of all registered voters in the state of Minnesota. The database must be available to each county in the state through a statewide registration system provided by the secretary of state. The registration system must allow the secretary of state and the county auditors to add or modify information from the system in order to maintain an accurate database of registrants. The system must provide all county auditors and the secretary of state and, within a reasonable time after the system is initially implemented, municipal and school district clerks, with a method to view and search registration information.
A county auditor must use the statewide registration system to execute the duties of chief registrar of voters and chief custodian of registration records in the auditor's county.
19 SR 593; 29 SR 155
May 22, 2008
A completed voter registration application may be submitted to any state agency or county auditor. The secretary of state shall provide training to state agencies on the proper forwarding of voter registration applications. Voter registration applications submitted to the secretary of state must be forwarded to the appropriate county auditor for entry into the statewide registration system. With the approval of the appropriate county auditor, the secretary of state shall enter the registration applications into the statewide registration system for that county.
The secretary of state may electronically transmit the information on the voter registration applications to the appropriate county auditor. The county auditor shall promptly enter the information into the statewide registration system. The original applications submitted to the secretary of state must be maintained either by the secretary of state or by the appropriate county auditor. Voter registration applications must be stored in either paper, microfilm, or electronic format.
The secretary of state shall have full access to all functions of the statewide registration system.
Verification means:
that the information provided by the applicant on the voter registration application for all of the following categories matches the information in the same categories of the database maintained by the Department of Public Safety or in the database of the Social Security Administration if the applicant has no driver's license or identification card:
last four digits of Social Security number, if the applicant has not been issued a Minnesota driver's license or Minnesota state identification card.
If a voter has not been issued a Minnesota driver's license, a Minnesota state identification card, or a Social Security number, and the voter has so indicated on the voter's voter registration application, units (c) and (d) are inapplicable and the registration is verified; or
that if after matching the information listed in subitem (1), even though the information may not be an exact match, the county auditor can still reasonably conclude that the information in the database of the Department of Public Safety, or in the database of the Social Security Administration if the applicant has no driver's license or identification card, and the information provided by the applicant on the voter registration application, relate to the same person, in which case the county auditor shall note in the statewide registration system the basis for the conclusion.
The secretary of state must attempt to verify information entered into the voter registration system as a result of new voter registration applications by comparing the information stored by the voter registration system with information contained in the database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. The secretary of state must provide reports on attempted verifications that show the information of record in each database and that list:
voter registration applications that match the information in the Department of Public Safety database or, in the case of an applicant who does not have a Minnesota driver's license or Minnesota identification card in the database of the Social Security Administration, and that are therefore verified;
voter registration applications that cannot be verified with certainty against the information in the Department of Public Safety database or, in the case of an applicant who does not have a Minnesota driver's license or Minnesota identification card, in the database of the Social Security Administration. The report must match and contrast the information contained in the several databases; and
voter registration applications with Minnesota drivers' license numbers, Minnesota identification card numbers, or if the applicant has no driver's license or identification card, the last four digits of the applicant's Social Security number that do not match the numbers of record in the Department of Public Safety database or, in the case of an applicant who does not have a Minnesota driver's license or Minnesota identification card, in the database of the Social Security Administration.
The reports prepared by the secretary of state must include a separate list of potential matches for incomplete mail-in registrations described in Minnesota Statutes, section 201.061, subdivision 1a.
The county auditor must review the reports provided by the secretary of state of records that have not been verified with certainty within ten days after the reports become available in the statewide voter registration system. The auditor must attempt to match the information on the voter registration application with the information in the database maintained by the Department of Public Safety or, in the case of an applicant who does not have a Minnesota driver's license or Minnesota identification card, in the database of the Social Security Administration, to permit the auditor to verify the information supplied on the voter registration application. The auditor shall attempt to obtain from the applicant any needed information by mail or, if a telephone number or an e-mail address was provided by the applicant, by telephone or e-mail. The auditor must record on the voter record in the statewide voter registration system each registration verified in this manner.
If the auditor cannot verify information for a registration, the auditor must record that the information supplied on the voter registration application could not be verified and is incomplete pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 201.121, subdivision 1.
If a Minnesota driver's license number or Minnesota state identification card number supplied by the applicant cannot be verified because it does not exist in the Department of Public Safety database, the secretary of state or the county auditor shall correct the voter record to indicate that the number must not be used as the verification number on the voter record. In the case of an applicant who does not have a Minnesota driver's license number, Minnesota identification card number, or Social Security number that can be verified by comparison with the Department of Public Safety database, or in the database of the Social Security Administration, if the applicant has no Minnesota driver's license or Minnesota identification card, the unique voter record number generated by the statewide voter registration system must be used as the verification number for the record.
A voter with an active voter registration may change the information on record by submitting a voter registration application meeting all the requirements for a new voter registration application.
If, after matching the updated information with the information contained in the Department of Public Safety database or, in the case of an applicant who does not have a Minnesota driver's license or Minnesota identification card, in the database of the Social Security Administration, the accuracy of the updated information cannot be verified, the county auditor must send a notice to the voter whose information cannot be verified and request that the voter provide the information or contact the registration office.
If the discrepancy cannot be resolved, the county auditor must challenge the voter in the statewide voter registration system and may refer the matter to the county attorney. If during the verification process the Department of Public Safety provides information that indicates that the voter is ineligible to vote, the county auditor must challenge the voter in the statewide voter registration system and refer the matter to the county attorney.
19 SR 593; 29 SR 155; 31 SR 350
May 22, 2008
When entering information from a voter registration application into the statewide registration system, the secretary of state or county auditor shall:
conduct a statewide search of the registration database to determine if the applicant has previously registered in Minnesota;
assign the applicant to the proper voting precinct for the address provided on the application;
assign the registration record a unique identification number, and date the record as to when the registration was entered into the registration database;
maintain a record of voting history of the registrant for at least the previous six calendar years and a record of previous registrations and changes to voter status in the state for at least two years; and
provide information on prior registrations in other states. At periodic intervals, the secretary of state shall notify the chief election officials of other states of persons who have registered to vote in Minnesota and who indicated a prior registration in their state.
The secretary of state shall establish a precinct finder that must be maintained by each county auditor. The precinct finder must identify the voting precinct that will be assigned to the applicant. For the purposes of redistricting, the secretary of state shall include geographical data from the United States Census Bureau in the precinct finder.
19 SR 593; 29 SR 155; 32 SR 2055
May 22, 2008
The Secretary of State, in cooperation with the commissioner of public safety, shall develop a single unified application for use by the Department of Public Safety to permit eligible voters who have indicated they wish to register to vote to simultaneously register to vote and apply for a driver's license or state identification card. The Secretary of State and the commissioner of public safety may access a common database of information entered from this application.
The information from the unified application for voter registration and a driver's license or state identification card must be transferred electronically from the commissioner of public safety to the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State shall make available to each county auditor the data necessary to add or update a voter record on the statewide registration system. The county auditor shall process the data in the manner provided in part 8200.9315.
19 SR 593
May 22, 2008
All authorized users of the statewide registration system must be identified uniquely in the manner provided by the Secretary of State. No access to the statewide registration system will be allowed to any person not identified as an authorized user of the system.
To ensure that information obtained from the statewide registration system is being used in the manner provided by law, the Secretary of State shall insert verification records into the statewide registration system. The verification records must not be included on any master list or polling place roster. If the Secretary of State has reason to believe that information obtained from the statewide registration system was used in a manner inconsistent with Minnesota Statutes, section 201.091, a report must be immediately transmitted to the appropriate county attorney.
19 SR 593
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 20 SR 2787]
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 12 SR 2215]
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 20 SR 2787]
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 12 SR 2215]
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 12 SR 2215]
May 22, 2008
Use this form only if you are registering to vote with a voucher as your proof of residence.
I, _ (Name of Voucher) swear or affirm that (Check one): | |
( ) I am pre-registered to vote in this precinct | |
Voter ID # _ | |
(to be completed by the election judge) | |
( ) I registered in this precinct today and did not have another person vouch for me | |
( ) I am an employee of a residential facility | |
_ | |
(Name of residential facility) | |
Residential Address of Voucher or Address of Residential Facility | |
_ | |
Street Address | City |
Telephone number _ | |
E-mail address (optional) _ | |
I personally know that _ | |
(Name of person registering) | |
is a resident of this precinct. | |
_ | |
Signature of Voucher |
Election Judge Official Use Only: | ||
Subscribed and sworn to before me | ||
__/__/____ | _ | |
Date | Signature of Election Judge |
The above oath shall be attached to the voter registration card and retained for at least 22 months.
20 SR 2787; 32 SR 2055; 40 SR 1553; 43 SR 437
The following portion of this part was vetoed by the governor at 32 SR 2060:
"( ) I am an employee of a residential facility | |
_ | |
(Name of residential facility) | |
Residential Address of Voucher or Address of Residential Facility | |
_ | |
Street Address | City |
Telephone number _ | |
E-mail address (optional) _ " |
October 15, 2018
Precinct List of Persons Vouching | ||
City/Town _ | Ward _ | Precinct _ |
• | To be completed by election judges. |
• | Use to track the number of people vouched for by each voucher. |
• | Cross out the next number each time that person vouches for a registrant. |
• | Employees of residential facilities may vouch for an unlimited number of facility residents who are registering to vote at the facility's address. Otherwise, vouchers may only vouch for a maximum of eight registrants. |
Voucher's Name | Voucher's Voter ID No. |
Number Vouched for on Election Day |
Example: John Doe | 1234567 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
1 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
2 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
3 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
4 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
5 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
6 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
7 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
8 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
9 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
10 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
11 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
12 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
13 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
14 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
15 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
16 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
17 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
18 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
19 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
20 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
21 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
22 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
23 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
24 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
25 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
26 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
27 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
28 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
29 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
30 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
Certified by the Head Election Judge of the Precinct: | ||
_ | _ | _ |
Printed Name | Signature | Date |
32 SR 2055; 38 SR 1368
May 1, 2014
To the Auditor of _ County | |
County Courthouse | |
_ (County Seat), Minnesota |
I, __________________________ (Name of person making challenge), am a registered voter in ______________________ County, Minnesota. I reside at ________________________ (Street or Route No.) _______________________ (City or Township).
I challenge the registration of ______________________ (Name of challenged voter) whose registration lists his or her residence as __________________________ (Street or Route No.) ________________________ (City or Township).
The grounds for my challenge are: _
_ (attach additional sheets of signed statement if necessary).
__/__/__ | _ |
(Date) | (Signature of Challenger) |
MS s 201.221
17 SR 1279
May 22, 2008
[Repealed, 20 SR 2787]
May 22, 2008
I, _ , do hereby state under oath, | |
Name of person making challenge | |
I am: | |
( ) an election judge. | |
( ) a challenger authorized by Minnesota Statutes, section 204C.07. | |
( ) a Minnesota voter. | |
I reside at _ , _ , | |
Street Address | City or Township |
Telephone number: _ | |
E-mail address (optional): _ | |
I challenge the registration of _ | |
Name of challenged voter | |
whose registration lists his or her residence as | |
_ | _ |
Street Address | City or Township |
This challenge is based on my personal knowledge. The grounds for my challenge are: _ | |
_ | |
_ | |
(attach additional sheets of signed statement if necessary). | |
I swear or affirm that the information stated here is truthful. |
__/__/____ | _ | |
Date | Signature of Challenger | |
Signed and sworn to or affirmed before me | ||
__/__/____ | _ | |
Date | Signature of Election Judge |
For Election Judge Use Only: |
Challenge was administered by Election Judge: _ |
Time: _ |
( ) Voter refused to take challenge oath. |
( ) Challenge was dismissed: Voter passed challenge and voted. |
( ) Challenge was sustained: Voter failed challenge and did not vote. |
Additional Comments: |
32 SR 2055
May 22, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes