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Office of the Revisor of Statutes



Table of Parts
Part Title


Subpart 1.

Horses subject to examination.


For Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses:


Every horse entered to race at a licensed racetrack under the jurisdiction of the commission shall be subjected to a veterinary examination for racing soundness and health on race day.


Each horse must be identified by lip tattoo or microchip before the physical examination begins.


The examination shall be conducted by a commission veterinarian in or near the stall to which the horse is assigned.


The trainer of each horse or a representative of the trainer must present the horse for examination and move the horse as required by the examining veterinarian. Every horse to be examined must have had its legs cleaned of any poultice or other topical applications, must be free of leg bandages or be wearing bandages which are easily removed, and must not have been subjected within one hour of examination to freezing, icing, prolonged hosing with cold water, or any other means of reducing the temperature of the legs.


The examination must include:


identification by lip tattoo or microchip;


visual inspection of the horse and assessment of overall body condition;


manual palpation and passive flexion of forelimbs and, where indicated, hindlimbs;


observation of the horse in motion; and


other inspections deemed necessary by a commission veterinarian.


If, during the prerace examination, a horse is determined to be unfit for competition, a commission veterinarian shall recommend to the stewards that the horse be scratched from racing and the horse placed on the veterinarian's list.


Prerace examination findings must be documented in the InCompass Solutions electronic prerace examination module.


For Standardbreds:


Every horse entered to participate in an official race shall be subjected to a veterinary inspection prior to starting in the race for which it is entered.


The inspection shall be conducted by a commission veterinarian.


The assessment of a horse's racing condition shall include:


proper identification of each horse inspected;


observation of each horse in motion during the post parade and warm-up mile;


visual inspection of the entire horse and assessment of overall condition; and


any other inspection deemed necessary by a commission veterinarian, including but not limited to manual palpation or manipulation of the limbs.


If, during the examination, a horse is determined to be unfit for competition, a commission veterinarian shall recommend to the stewards that the horse be scratched from racing and placed on the veterinarian's list.

Subp. 1a.

Trainer must report location.

The trainer, when entering a horse, shall declare to the racing secretary or his or her designee the number of the barn in which the horse being entered will be stabled the day of the race. If the trainer will need a stall assigned for a ship-in horse, the trainer must so declare at the time of entry, and the racing secretary will assign a stall to be used on the day of the race.

Subp. 1b.

Racing secretary must provide stall assignments.

As soon as the overnight sheet is finalized, the racing secretary or his or her designee shall provide to the commission veterinarian a list showing, by race, the name of the horse, the trainer, and the barn number where the horse is to be stabled the day of the race.

Subp. 1c.

Trainer must post stall.

On each race day, trainers shall post a sign outside the entered horse's stall stating that the horse is "in today." The sign shall be posted by 8:00 a.m. on race day and must be removed after the horse has returned from racing on that day.

Subp. 2.

Record of examination.

The commission veterinarian shall maintain a continuing health and racing soundness record of each horse examined. The record shall not constitute a veterinary medical record for purposes of part 9100.0800.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 240.03; 240.23; 240.24


9 SR 2527; 10 SR 2161; 13 SR 38; 16 SR 2684; 39 SR 1739; 42 SR 1258; 44 SR 1047; 46 SR 1210

Published Electronically:

May 12, 2022


Subpart 1.

Horses that must undergo postmortem examination.


Every horse which suffers a breakdown at a licensed racetrack under the jurisdiction of the commission, in training or in competition, and which is euthanized, and every horse which expires while stabled at a licensed racetrack under the jurisdiction of the commission, shall undergo a postmortem examination to be conducted by a pathologist at the University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory to determine the injury or illness which resulted in euthanasia or natural death.


Mane hairs excepted, the horse must be delivered with all body parts attached and nonmutilated.


Accidental dismemberment for any reason shall be immediately reported to a commission veterinarian, executive director, and deputy director.


A Class B or D license holder is responsible for furnishing transportation, within six hours of death, to deliver a horse to the University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.

Subp. 2.

Test samples to be taken for analysis.


Test samples must be obtained from every horse that dies or is euthanized from a training or race-related injury. The samples shall be sent for analysis to the official testing laboratory under part 7892.0130 and the commission may direct the laboratory to retain and preserve such samples for future analysis.


When practical, both blood and urine test samples shall be obtained prior to euthanasia.

Subp. 3.

Owner and trainer responsible.

The owner and attending trainer are responsible for reporting to the commission veterinarian the death of a horse within one hour of its death, and for having the postmortem examination performed in accordance with this part.

Subp. 4.

Report of exam.

A report of each deceased horse shall be filed with the commission within 72 hours of the horse's death on a form prepared by the commission.

Subp. 5

Equine injury database.

Information obtained from each specific post-mortem report is documented in the InCompass Solutions equine injury database.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 240.03; 240.13; 240.15; 240.16; 240.19; 240.23; 240.24


9 SR 2527; 16 SR 484; 24 SR 1568; 33 SR 2095; 35 SR 627; 40 SR 1393; 46 SR 1210

Published Electronically:

May 12, 2022


Subpart 1.


The HISA safety director shall convene and chair a mortality review committee for the purpose of gathering data surrounding the death of each racehorse occurring during racing or training at a licensed racetrack. The committee shall consist of the following:


the chief steward or a designee;


the chief commission veterinarian or a designee;


the on-track commission veterinarian;


the trainer or assistant trainer of the deceased horse;


the jockey, exercise rider, or driver of the deceased horse;


the attending veterinarian;


the racetrack's director of racing or a designee;


the track superintendent;


the horseperson's representative; and


any other person the HISA safety director determines is necessary to adequately examine the death.

Subp. 2.


Participation at a mortality review committee meeting is mandatory unless a member is excused by the chief steward or designee.

Subp. 3.

Treatment records.

Treatment records required of the trainer by part 7877.0170, subpart 2, item U, shall be available to the committee upon request of the chief steward or commission veterinarian.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 240.03; 240.23; 240.24


44 SR 1047; 49 SR 497

Published Electronically:

December 9, 2024

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes