Every horse which suffers a breakdown at a licensed racetrack under the jurisdiction of the commission, in training or in competition, and which is euthanized, and every horse which expires while stabled at a licensed racetrack under the jurisdiction of the commission, shall undergo a postmortem examination to be conducted by the University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory to determine the injury or illness which resulted in euthanasia or natural death. Shoes and mane hairs excepted, the horse must be delivered with all body parts attached and nonmutilated. Accidental dismemberment for any reason shall be immediately reported to the commission veterinarian, executive director, and deputy director. A Class B or D license holder is responsible for furnishing transportation, within six hours of death, to deliver a horse to the University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.
Test samples must be obtained from every horse that dies or is euthanized from a training or race-related injury. The samples shall be sent for analysis to a laboratory approved by the commission and the commission may direct the laboratory to retain and preserve such samples for future analysis.
When practical, both blood and urine test samples shall be obtained prior to euthanasia.
The owner and attending trainer are responsible for reporting to the commission veterinarian the death of a horse within one hour of its death, and for having the postmortem examination performed in accordance with this part.
A report of each deceased horse shall be filed with the commission within 72 hours of the horse's death on a form prepared by the commission.
9 SR 2527; 16 SR 484; 24 SR 1568; 33 SR 2095; 35 SR 627; 40 SR 1393
April 25, 2016
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes