After the word "go" is given no driver shall:
change course or position, swerve in or out, or bear in or out, during any part of the race in a manner that will compel another horse to shorten its stride or cause another driver to change course;
allow another horse to pass needlessly on the inside, or commit any other act that helps another horse to improve its position;
take up or slow abruptly in front of other horses as to cause confusion or interference among the trailing horses;
lay off a normal pace and leave a hole when it is well within his or her horse's capacity to keep the hole closed;
drive in a careless, reckless, or unsatisfactory manner or fail to maintain complete control of the horse at all times;
fail to set or maintain a pace comparable to the class in which he or she is racing, considering track conditions, weather, and circumstances of the race;
fail to report any interference or any other infraction that occurred during a race and was observed by him or her;
lodge a claim of foul, violation of the rules, objection, or complaint which the stewards consider frivolous;
use a whip exceeding four feet in length or a snapper longer than six inches in length, or use unreasonable or unnecessary force in the whipping of a horse, nor whip any horse causing visible injury, nor whip any horse about the head including but not limited to trailing horses, nor whip any horse after the finish line has been crossed except when it has been deemed by the board of judges necessary to control the horse. The board of judges will notify the commission veterinarian to conduct any postrace examination on any horse deemed to have been subject to unreasonable or unnecessary force. The following actions shall be considered indiscriminate, unreasonable, or unnecessary uses of the whip:
any blatant or exaggerated movements of the whipping arm which will result from raising the elbow above the driver's shoulder height or allowing the hand holding the whip to reach behind the driver during the use of the whip;
the use of the whip other than the area inside and above the level of the shafts of the sulky and between the sulky shafts;
whipping under the arch or shafts of the sulky, use of the whip as a goading or poking device, or placing the whip between the legs of the horse; or
using the whip when it does not appear that the horse is advancing its position in the race and appears exhausted or not in contention;
keep one line, rein, or handhold in each hand at all times during the race except when the horse and driver reach the 7/8 pole marker during the race; and
If there has been no violation of subpart 3, the stewards shall not set back the horse unless a competing horse on its gait is lapped on the hind quarter of the breaking horse at the finish.
A driver must be mounted in his or her sulky from the start to the finish of the race or the horse he or she is driving shall be disqualified.
After the word "go" is given, barring mishap, both of the driver's feet must be kept in or in contact with the stirrups, posts, or pegs until the race has been completed.
A driver who desires to enter a claim of foul, violation of the rules, or other complaint shall notify the nearest patrol judge and shall proceed forthwith to the paddock telephone to communicate immediately with the stewards, unless the driver is prevented from doing so by an accident or injury or other reasonable excuse.
The stewards shall not cause the "Official" sign to be posted until the circumstances surrounding a claim of foul, violation of the rules, or other complaint has been viewed and decided.
The stewards shall determine the extent of the alleged violation and may place the offending horse either behind the horses that in their judgment were interfered with, or last in the field.
9 SR 2527; 33 SR 8; 40 SR 29
July 20, 2015
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes