Weather conditions permitting, qualifying races shall be scheduled at least once a week if the meet extends longer than two weeks and shall be conducted under the supervision of the judges.
If the meet extends longer than two weeks, the following horses shall not be eligible to enter any race until they have competed in qualifying races:
A horse that does not show a charted line within the last six starts. For that purpose an uncharted race contested in heats or more than one dash and consolidated shall be considered to be a start.
A horse that has not started for a period of 45 days or more. On day 45, the horse is ineligible.
A horse adding or removing hobbles regardless of gait. However, if a horse that previously qualified with hobbles fails to qualify without hobbles, the horse shall remain qualified to race with hobbles. If a horse previously qualified without hobbles and fails to qualify with hobbles, the horse shall remain qualified to race without hobbles.
The following horses shall not be eligible to enter any race until they have competed in qualifying races:
A horse that makes a break on its first start after a qualifying race on a track rated fast or good must qualify regardless of its finishing position. Any horse making a break in two consecutive races on tracks rated as fast or good shall be required to qualify regardless of finishing position.
The judges may permit a preferred or invitational horse to qualify by means of a timed workout consistent with the time of preferred or invitational races that have been completed at the race meeting.
The judges may establish a qualifying time for an individual horse consistent with that horse's past performance.
If a qualifying race is conducted for the purpose of qualifying drivers and/or to improve a driver's eligibility to move up in class, and not to qualify horses, the race need not be charted, timed, or recorded, but this clause does not apply to races qualifying both horses and drivers.
Qualifying times shall be established by the association and those times and any subsequent changes to them shall be approved by the judges and posted so that they are available for inspection by participants.
Trainers of horses placed on the qualifying list shall be advised by the judges or their designee of that fact by written notice which must also be posted in the racing office.
A horse participating in a qualifying race for any reason other than removal from the veterinarian's list may be randomly selected for testing under chapter 7892. Tests results do not need to be returned prior to entry. A positive test result reported after the horse has qualified, raced, and earned money shall result in disqualification, loss of purse, and trainer sanctions. A horse participating in a qualifying race for removal from the veterinarian's list must have testing performed and the results must be returned prior to removal from the veterinarian's list.
9 SR 2527; 22 SR 1785; 31 SR 1277; 35 SR 627; 40 SR 29; 42 SR 1258; 46 SR 6; 47 SR 990
June 14, 2023
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes