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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

7883.0160 POST TO FINISH.

Subpart 1.

Horse must be tattooed.

No horse shall be permitted to start unless it has been tattooed and fully identified.

Subp. 2.

Loading in starting gate.

The starter, with approval of the stewards, shall determine the procedures for loading horses into the starting gate.

Subp. 3.

Horse deemed a starter.

A horse is a starter for all purposes of the commission's rules when the stall doors of the starting gate open in front of it at the time the starter dispatches the horses in a valid start.

Subp. 4.

All horses shall be ridden out.

All horses shall be ridden out past the finish line in every race and must carry their assigned weight from the post to finish.

Subp. 5.

Horse shall not leave course.

If during a race a horse leaves the course, it shall be disqualified.

Subp. 6.

Interference and willful fouling.

Items A to E apply with respect to the running of a race.


When clear, a horse may be taken to any part of the course but no horse shall cross or weave in front of other horses in such a way as to impede them or constitute or cause interference or intimidation such that it would affect the outcome of the race.


If a horse or jockey jostles another horse such that it would affect the outcome of the race, the aggressor may be disqualified, unless the jostled horse or its jockey was partly at fault, or the jostling was wholly caused by some other horse or jockey.


During a race no jockey shall willfully or carelessly strike or touch another jockey or another jockey's horse or equipment with the effect of interfering with that horse or jockey, nor shall a jockey strike the jockey's horse on or about the head area.


For willful fouling or careless riding, a jockey may be fined or suspended, or both, by the stewards according to the nature and seriousness of the offense.


A jockey whose horse has been disqualified or who unnecessarily caused the horse to change or shorten its stride for the purpose of losing a race may be fined or suspended.

Subp. 6a.

Use of riding crop.

Items A to E apply with respect to the use of a riding crop.


A jockey shall use a riding crop in a manner consistent with using the jockey's best efforts to win.


A jockey must not use the riding crop indiscriminately.


A jockey must not strike a horse more than three consecutive times without pausing to only push on the horse giving it a chance to respond before using the riding crop again.


Jockeys are prohibited from striking a horse:


on the head, flanks, or on any part of its body other than the shoulders or hind quarters;


during the post parade except when necessary to control the horse;


excessively or brutally causing welts or breaks in the skin;


when the horse is clearly out of the race or has obtained its maximum placing;


persistently even when the horse is showing no response under the riding crop; or


after the race.


Correct uses of the riding crop are:


showing horses the riding crop before hitting them;


using the riding crop in rhythm with the horse's stride; and


using the riding crop as an aid to maintain a horse running straight.

Subp. 7.

Determination of disqualifications.

The stewards are vested with sole and complete power and authority to determine when a disqualification is proper, its extent, and whether it applies to any other part of an entry. Their decision shall be final.


In determining the extent of disqualification of a horse in any race, the stewards may either place the disqualified horse behind such horse as in their judgment the disqualified horse interfered with, or they may place it last.


When a horse of one ownership or interest is coupled with a horse or horses of the same or another ownership or interest, the disqualification of one will not necessarily affect the placing of the other.


In the event of a disqualification, the stewards, at the request of the owner of the disqualified horse, shall review the race with that owner within 72 hours of the race.

Subp. 8.

Best effort must be made.

All jockeys are expected to give their best efforts in races in which they ride, and any instructions or advice to jockeys to ride or handle their mounts otherwise than for the purpose of winning are prohibited and will subject all persons giving or following such instructions or advice to disciplinary action by the stewards and commission. If two horses run in one interest in any race, each must give their best effort.

Subp. 9.


Protests with regard to the running of the race shall be made only by the owner, trainer, or jockey of the horse alleged to be aggrieved, and must be made to the stewards, the outriders, or the clerk of scales immediately after the running of the race. An owner, trainer, or jockey who makes a frivolous protest may be fined.

Subp. 10.

No assistance to jockey.

No person shall assist a jockey in removing from his or her horse the equipment that is to be included in the jockey's weight, except by permission of the stewards.

Subp. 11.

Coverings prohibited.

No person shall throw any covering over any horse at the place of dismounting until the jockey has removed the equipment that is to be included in his or her weight.

Subp. 12.

Dead heats.

Dead heats shall be governed in the following manner.


When two or more horses run a dead heat, the dead heat shall not be run off.


In a dead heat for first place, each horse shall be considered a winner.


When two or more horses finish in a dead heat and a protest is made and allowed against a horse having finished in front of the dead heat, the horses which ran the dead heat shall be deemed to have run a dead heat from the higher position.


Owners of horses in a dead heat for any position shall divide equally all money and other prizes, and if no agreement can be reached as to which of them shall receive a cup, plate, or other indivisible prize, they shall draw lots for it in the presence of one or more of the stewards.

Subp. 13.

Race declared no contest.

If a race has been run by all the horses at the wrong weights or over a wrong distance, and if a protest is made and allowed before the flashing of the "Official" sign on the totalizator board, the stewards shall declare the race no contest.

Subp. 14.

Horse becomes disabled or otherwise unable to finish.

Items A to E apply if a horse during the running of a race becomes disabled or otherwise obviously unable to finish.


The horse shall be dismounted, unsaddled by the jockey or another MRC licensee, and removed from the course by horse ambulance.


If a bone is broken, the horse shall remain on the course until the horse ambulance arrives and the horse is removed under the direction of the commission veterinarian or association veterinarian.


If euthanasia of the horse is determined necessary, the euthanasia shall be performed by a veterinarian licensed by the commission through the use of a needle preferably in a place out of vision of the public. If euthanasia within view of the public is necessary, an ambulance screen must be used. Removal of the horse after euthanasia shall be the responsibility of the association.


If euthanasia of a horse is determined necessary, the jockey will not be required to weigh in.


The steward shall be notified after euthanasia has been performed.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 240.03; 240.13; 240.23; 240.24; 240.29


9 SR 2527; 13 SR 38; 16 SR 2684; 18 SR 886; 19 SR 2307; 20 SR 2592; 31 SR 1277; 33 SR 8; 35 SR 627; 40 SR 29; 41 SR 1322

Published Electronically:

June 8, 2017

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes