In a thoroughbred, quarter horse, arabian, or other breed race, if the doors in front of a stall in a mechanically or electronically operated starting gate should fail to open simultaneously with the other stall doors, thereby preventing a horse from obtaining a fair start when the starter dispatches the field, the following shall apply:
If any horse is so prevented from starting, the entire amount in the win, place, and show pools wagered on that horse shall be promptly refunded unless the horse finishes first, second, or third, in which case the horse shall be considered a starter for all straight pools in which the horse earned a placing and a nonstarter in all other straight pools. However, there shall be no refund if the horse is part of a coupled entry or field.
If any horse is so prevented from starting, the entire amount in the exacta pool wagered on that horse shall be refunded unless the horse finishes first or second, in which case the horse shall be considered a starter for the exacta pool in which the horse earned a placing. In the case of a coupled entry or field, it shall be left to the judgment of the stewards as to whether or not to provide a refund.
If any horse or horses are so prevented from starting so that it would reduce the total number of starters below six, the following shall apply:
if five starters of different betting interests leave the stalls, the association may refund the entire amount wagered in the show pool;
if four or fewer horses of different betting interests leave the stalls, the association may refund the entire amount wagered in the show pool, the place pool, or both; and
if fewer than two horses of different betting interests leave the stalls, the race must be canceled and the entire amount wagered in the win, place, and show pools must be promptly refunded.
MS s 240.23
9 SR 2527; 10 SR 2161; 11 SR 2201; 16 SR 2684; 19 SR 2307
August 1, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes