An applicant for a site permit must provide the following background information regarding the applicant:
the complete name, address, and telephone number of the applicant and any authorized representative;
the signature of the preparer of the application if prepared by an agent or consultant of the applicant;
the identity of any other LWECS located in Minnesota in which the applicant, or a principal of the applicant, has an ownership or other financial interest;
The applicant shall state in the application whether a certificate of need for the system is required from the commission and, if so, the anticipated schedule for obtaining the certificate of need. The commission shall not issue a site permit for an LWECS for which a certificate of need is required until the applicant obtains the certificate, although the commission may process the application while the certificate of need request is pending before the commission.
The commission may determine if a certificate of need is required for a particular LWECS for which the commission has received a site permit application.
If a certificate of need is not required from the commission, the applicant shall include with the application a discussion of what the applicant intends to do with the power that is generated. If the applicant has a power purchase agreement or some other enforceable mechanism for sale of the power to be generated by the LWECS, the applicant shall, upon the request of the commission, provide the commission with a copy of the document.
The applicant shall describe in the application how the proposed LWECS project furthers state policy to site such projects in an orderly manner compatible with environmental preservation, sustainable development, and the efficient use of resources.
The applicant shall include the following information about the site proposed for the LWECS and any associated facilities:
the boundaries of the site proposed for the LWECS, which must be delineated on a United States Geological Survey Map or other map as appropriate;
other meteorological conditions at the proposed site, including the temperature, rainfall, snowfall, and extreme weather conditions; and
The applicant shall include in the application information describing the applicant's wind rights within the boundaries of the proposed site.
The applicant shall provide the following information regarding the design of the proposed project:
a description of the turbines and towers and other equipment to be used in the project, including the name of the manufacturers of the equipment;
a description of the LWECS electrical system, including transformers at both low voltage and medium voltage; and
An applicant for a site permit shall include with the application an analysis of the potential impacts of the project, proposed mitigative measures, and any adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided, in the following areas:
public health and safety, including air traffic, electromagnetic fields, and security and traffic;
rare and unique natural resources.
The analysis of the environmental impacts required by this subpart satisfies the environmental review requirements of chapter 4410, parts 7849.1000 to 7849.2100, and Minnesota Statutes, chapter 116D. No environmental assessment worksheet or environmental impact statement shall be required on a proposed LWECS project.
The applicant shall describe the manner in which the project, including associated facilities, will be constructed.
The applicant shall describe how the project will be operated and maintained after construction, including a maintenance schedule.
The applicant shall describe the estimated costs of design and construction of the project and the expected operating costs.
The applicant shall include an anticipated schedule for completion of the project, including the time periods for land acquisition, obtaining a site permit, obtaining financing, procuring equipment, and completing construction. The applicant shall identify the expected date of commercial operation.
The applicant shall identify the energy expected to be generated by the project.
The applicant shall include the following information regarding decommissioning of the project and restoring the site:
The applicant shall include in the application a list of all known federal, state, and local agencies or authorities, and titles of the permits they issue that are required for the proposed LWECS.
26 SR 1394; L 2005 c 97 art 3 s 19
October 13, 2009
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes