If the specific location for the proposed (or alternative) facility is known, provide the county, township, range, and sections of that site. If a specific location has not been chosen, provide the county, township, range, and sections for each parcel of land that, in the opinion of the applicant, could serve as the site for the facility.
For each site identified in response to subpart 1, list:
the predominant types of land use (such as residential, forest, agricultural, commercial, and industrial) within one mile of the site;
lakes, streams, wetlands, or drainage ditches within one mile of the site, and any other lakes, streams, wetlands, drainage ditches, wells, or storm drains into which liquid contaminants could flow;
national natural landmarks, national wilderness areas, national wildlife refuges, national wild and scenic rivers, national parks, national forests, national trails, and national waterfowl production areas within one mile of the site, as mapped on the inventory of significant resources by the State Planning Agency;
state critical areas, state wildlife management areas, state scientific and natural areas, state wild, scenic, and recreational rivers, state parks, state scenic wayside parks, state recreational areas, state forests, state trails, state canoe and boating rivers, state zoo, designated trout streams, and designated trout lakes within one mile of the site, as mapped on the inventory of significant resources by the State Planning Agency; and
national historic sites and landmarks, national monuments, national register historic districts, registered state historic or archaeological sites, state historical districts, sites listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and any other cultural resources within one mile of the site, as indicated by the Minnesota Historical Society.
L 1983 c 289 s 115
November 14, 2003
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes