A miscellaneous filing must include, on a separate page, a one-paragraph summary of the filing, sufficient to apprise potentially interested parties of its nature and general content.
The filing party shall serve copies of each miscellaneous filing on which commission action is required within 60 days of filing, on the persons on the applicable general service list, on the department, and on the Office of the Attorney General. For other filings, the filing party may serve the summary described in subpart 1 on persons on the applicable general service list. The filing party shall serve with the filing or the summary a copy of its general service list for the filing.
In addition to complying with specific requirements imposed by statute or rule, miscellaneous filings must contain at least the following information:
the name, address, electronic address, and telephone number of any attorney that represents the filing party in the matter, if so represented;
the date of the filing and the date the proposed rate or service change, if any, will go into effect;
the signature, electronic address, and title of the utility employee responsible for the filing; and
if the contents of the filing are not established by statute or another commission rule, a description of the filing, its impact on rates and services, its impact on any affected person, and the reasons for the filing.
The commission shall reject a filing found to be substantially out of compliance with this chapter or applicable statutory requirements.
MS s 216A.05
19 SR 116; 40 SR 1329
June 14, 2016
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes